Friday 31 January 2014

The Mash-Up

Ever so slowly I am running out of things to blog about. I could review things, but I can never remember what it  is I want to review. I could give advice, but I have no idea how to give advice. I could do a tag, but most of the ones I find I have either already done or they just don't interest me. I could write about my day, but I either forget what happens or nothing happens. So guys I am in a pickle. Not literally that would be weird.

During that paragraph I was thinking about how I could turn the fact that I have nothing to write about into my actual blog post, but I think that is a bit weird. However I am weird. This is probably how this is going to turn out today. Maybe I could combine different blog ideas. Like I could talk about my day, review it and give advice? Would that work? I could fit tags in their somewhere but that would just be weird. Ah Fuck it I'll do a mash up couldn't be worse than writing nothing. Cause then I'll think I'm a failure for not sticking to my word about writing a blog post everyday. WHY DO I HAVE TO BE STUBBORN! So here goes:

So today I woke up at 7 and got ready for school with my sister. When we got to the common room she helped me prepare for my psychology test which I was a bit panicky for cause everything to do with tests and mock have been stressing me out lately. As people arrived we started talking about people's Thursday cause I wasn't there and it was nice to be back, even though I still wasn't that well. 

In psychology Jonesy allowed us to make notes on a revision card to use in the test. And that is a big mistake cause I have the world tiniest handwriting so practically wrote out the entire page from the text book, with an entire side to spare. Therefore the test in my opinion went pretty well. Then we talked about Stressors related to everyday hassles and life changes. My first point was my brain did not want to write down hassles correctly, it kept going hassels and I was like what the fuck brain? Then we got into a class discussion about what causes stress most in students and people said exams more than illness and death of a friend, and I was like are you all crazy? I mean I understand exams are fucking stressful but finding out someone you loved is all or dying would drive me almost over the edge, and I should know I've lived through it. Then somehow it got into a conversation about Aids? 

After this was break and as per usual I forget most things that happen as break as it was so long ago! Then I had Media with Jassums where we basically watched Doctor Who. It is relative to our work, it was about representation on ethnicity. After this I had a mentor session where we spoke about cats. Cause you know cats. Then lunch where we had a really awkward conversation about I'm not even going to talk about it on here. It was just very inappropriate. 

Last but not least I had Biology but our teacher was not there so we went into the study centre to "do work". We being Emily and I. There we saw Amy and Siobhan so we spoke to them for a bit. Then whilst Amy was travelling between there and her actual classroom she managed to break the door! She got it permanently locked so I told Dawn and she told Mr Tailor and he told the site team. Jesus Amy. It was hilarious though watching loads of people try to use it cause they didn't understand it was broken. So Siobhan and Amy went to class and Emily and I went back to "work" I mean we tried but we found it difficult and became very unproductive. Then Amy and Siobhan returned cause a stress mess hit, so we went into the common room to sort it out. It was kind of nice talking things over and in the end having a slight bitch fest. But you do what you need to to try and get rid of the stress. Once again they returned to their class and I went back to Emily in time to realise it was pointless cause, we had 6 minutes left. So I went into the common room again and read Paper Towns. Then Aims and Emma appeared to give me a ride home and we were gossiping. 

Wow that was a really long post maybe I shouldn't continue with the mash up. Unless I write a short paragraph. I did say I was going to mash it up. 

So I'm going to review my day. Overall it has been a good day I laughed a lot and it was very interesting, but it seems stress is getting to everyone one by one like a virus. Kind of put a downer on things. 

Advice time! My advice is umm: don't break doors! (Love you really Amy <3)

See you in the 'morrow!

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