Wednesday 8 January 2014

Not Much Happened Wednesday

It was not much happened Wednesday again, but there was a few things I would care to share (ha rhyme) with you. This is how my day went down and I'm going to try and rhyme it all for you, yep that is what I am going to do.

Woke up, went to school, 
saw my friends who are pretty cool.
Had private study for two whole hours,
Revised some biology about plants, like flowers.
Then was break, with the guys again,
Claire asked where Amy was, so I clearly said,
I threw her off a cliff and now she's dead.
She had a dream she was bob-sleighing and falling off a cliff,
then about how she was the little mermaid being saved by a.. uh..spiff-
ing merman who was the reverse of a typical merman
and could walk on land (I know not exactly the same but close enough!)
That was the only reason she could be at 6th form,
lalalalalalalala...The merman's name was Norm?
Just a little unneeded fact for you there.
Now off to private study where we talked about Claire.

Ok I really cannot be bothered to rhyme it anymore. So back to the usual.

During private study Jass and I gave Clive the new nickname of Claira the Explaira who wears no underweara. Long story.  

Moving onto lunchtime where it was pretty much just Jass, Momo and I. We had fun though, taking selfies on Giancarlo's phone and making them his wallpaper. Making up the idea of the cartoon heart <3 coming from someone drawing a butt in a tent and someone looking at it upside down and thinking aww love. If you cannot see the whole butts in tent thing tilt your head 90 degrees to the left <3 George who sat near us but not with us, started making balloon art. I don't know why. So he made a banjo. But there was something off about this banjo. It looked a bit like a penis. I say a bit, a lot. And I carried it to media. Cause that didn't look weird or anything.

MEDIA STUDIES! And as I predicted we watched a bit of Sherlock. YAY! Then we had to do actual work, not so YAY! But trying to figure out what to do for a thriller sequence was pretty interesting. My brainstorming went something like this: So guy likes girl, girl doesn't like guy, guy becomes gymnast. Still a better love story than twilight. I think I have settled on an idea but I wont share it cause cannot be bothered to type it. Besides I know once I share it I will hate it. 

Anywho... leaving Media I went to go wait for the late bus with Jassums, and it was cold. She said "It's freezing, how can you live out here?" to which I responded with "I don't live here." At the time it was really funny. So that is why I shared that.

So on the bus I was surprised by the arrival of Clive and Aims and we just spoke about our day, and this blog post. Then I got home ate, bathed and here I am. See you in the 'morrow!

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