Monday 13 January 2014

Making a Smile

A little late I know, but I have been busy. Ok that is a lie I have been doing fuck all, sssh. So umm... what to talk about today in my blog of unreadable shit. Umm... I guess I'm going to write a short post about... umm...Something that makes me smile, cause right now I'm not feeling to great. This is a video that always makes me smile, not matter how down I feel. It is an animation by Netty Scribble of a video previously uploaded by PewdiePie. She brought the video to life in an adorably funny way, and whenever I watch it I can help but smile. I've seen it so many times I can pretty much quote the entire thing, and my friend Jessie and I always make quotes whenever we can. 

If you are ever feeling down this will make you smile, if not most of her other animations makes me happy so should have the same effect. I seriously suggest you watch her videos, cause she is crazy talented and her work just blows my mind. 

I feel a lot better after watching that and all her other vids cause writing this made me watch one after the other, some multiple times. Sorry this post was short, but watching the videos will take up the other time you would spend reading, so hey win win. See you in the 'morrow!

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