Monday 20 January 2014

The Frustration Station

Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. HelloHello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. 

Was that annoying? 

So who likes my title? I do, I spent fucking ages coming up with that genius there, so appreciate it! Why The Frustration Station I hear none of you ask because you are not here, however if I could hear you ask that would be pretty creepy. Moving on... Today has been filled with a few frustrating things and station rhymes and you know how I like a good rhyme. Like I said not everything was frustration central I had a good lay in this morn' and followed it up by playing yet more My Little Pony. It is incredibly addictive. Then I got ready and went to 6th Form.

And it was fucking freezing. If I had balls they probably would have went up inside me just to stay warm. That sentence was not needed, but it shall stay cause I can't be bothered to go back and delete it. That my friends requires effort. So I had to trek along Middleton's Lane to get to school and by the time I got there I was a mixture of boiling and freezing, which is the trippiest feeling in the world, so my first frustration hit. I make it sound like drugs, maybe it is drugs. I'm quite scatty today. BACK ON TRACK! So I sat with Siobhan talking about psychology until the triplets arrived and we were talking about Biology which I had recently sat a mock mock in. Yes mock was supposed to be written twice, it was a mock test of a mock test. And I was all I feel pretty confident I did well like not A but maybe a good B. Oh Elli so naive, so stupid. After this I was being ignored by Claire and Co and I cried. :'( 

Now was Biology and to begin we learnt a few things (really Elli you learnt stuff in school, never would have guessed) about amino acids which again I understood. But then I got off at frustration station again, as I found out I got a D. Or for the dirty minded 'the D' and I almost cried cause I really don't want to fail Biology. Mainly cause then I have to retake the entire year and I don't want to do that cause it will just be ARg! Apparently many people did bad on that test, and it was only a mock mock so I have about a month to buck up my ideas to be good for the real mock and about 4 months before the real exam. DUn DUn Dun. But yeah I failed and I am a failure. 

Luckily all I had today was Biology. But cause I love my friends a bunch, only cause I love my friends it wasn't cause I didn't want to wait ages in the cold for a bus or anything, I stayed for mentor time, which is essentially lunch unless you have mentor, which I didn't, so lunchtime. When Claire dropped me off at Frustration Station yet again. She all of a sudden brought up an idea for what to do for her birthday WHICH IS IN DECEMBER! I mean really Clive? She had the idea of having a shindig, yes that is what it must be called Claire, where you dress up as your favourite fictional character. And at first I was like Fine, Moriarty. But then I was like wait, there are so many characters I love which would be fun to dress up as. For example the various My Little Pony characters such as Apple Bloom or the Equestria Girls version of Rarity. Elli you seriously need help with this My Little Pony Shit. Then I started thinking wait what about The Powerpuff Girls or Sailor Moon or even Angela Anaconda, cause that show was amazing. So now for the next eleventy-twelve months I am going to be in this dilemma of WHAT THE FUCK DO I GO AS. So I left after saying my loving goodbyes and headed home.

A good part of my day was my old friend Scott told me that if I tell him the name of the guy I like he will give me £50, a botttle of Blue Vodka and 3 bottles of Turbo Tango. Which I think was a pretty good deal however at one point he offered me £150 so I wonder if I am being cheated. but I'm going to agree cause I mean it still is a good deal for one measly name which I could just make up. But probably wont. Cause I'm not mean. Hang on how much of this made me sound a bit like a prostitute? :/

I kind of stopped blogging then, not that you would have noticed, for a spontaneous Co-Op trip where mum said she'd buy us nice things (sweets and shit) but I craved Forrero Rocher but there were £4.69, ha 69. But that I thought was too much so I treated myself cause I have been pretty down lately so maybe this will give me a happy feel. Whoa that sounded perverted. 

So that was pretty much my day, My Little Pony and Frustration. So hopefully tomorrow will be My Little Pony and fun times. Cause My Little Pony is just my life now. See you in the 'morrow!


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