Thursday 30 January 2014

The Ugh Bug

Hello fellow humans! Today was a very lazy day cause I was ill. Ugh! Hence The Ugh Bug cause people say stomach bug or something when they are ill and I was ill and it was ugh. Get it? No. Ok then. 

Anywho...Today I was supposed to have only two hours of Biology, then I would get the rest of the day off so when I wasn't feeling to good last night I was like, eh I'll survive. Mainly cause I had this kind of important ISA thingy that contributes towards my grade, however I already failed part of it so was like yeah...I'll just use the second chance. Whatever. But this morning I was woken up and I was like UUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH so tired, and I tried to sit up but felt kind of dizzy so was like, I'll just sleep. I was woken again and I told Hal I didn't feel well and she left me to sleep. No-one really believes me when I am ill cause I used to fake being ill a lot as a child cause I hated going to school. But I actually like 6th form. Well I hate being tired and stressed.

Speaking of stressed, in psychology we are learning about stress and it says that it leads to your immune system to weaken so you get ill more often, so I think that is the only reason I am ill. However it is going to lead to a vicious cycle, cause I get stressed when I miss stuff and I miss stuff cause I am ill from the stress of missing stuff. Stuff being school work. Especially with the mocks coming up and I want to do well but currently I am probably going to fail them and then have to retake the whole year. Even thinking about this is making me feel ill. UGH.

But yeah not a lot happened today cause of illness so I can't really say much. I slept and played MLP then made some revision notes and played more MLP. Maybe I would do better in school if I stopped playing My Little Pony. But it is so addictive. I'll just have to manage my time better. 

Tomorrow I am going to force myself to go to school, cause I pretty much have a whole day of lessons, and I don't want to leave Jessie alone in Media. But currently I am still ill so I am going to have to battle with myself in the morning. Maybe I will use the advice danisnotonfire used in his most recent video. However I can see it going like this..."Elli are you a wuss?" "Yes." "Ok then continue to sleep." But that's a problem for future me. Hopefully I will actually feel better. See you in the 'morrow!

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