Wednesday 15 January 2014

The ARg War

As today was Not much Happens Wednesday, I was assuming it would be a pretty boring day. And I wouldn't have much to blog about, but I do! So it started off with the bus journey talking to Em's about random things, then sitting in the common room for half an hour with Maddy, Craig and Hal looking through Uni prospectuseseseseses. That was kind of scary, cause I have no idea (ARg) whether I want to go to Uni. :/ I mean I hate independent work, and I'm so tired! 

Anywho, I have a mock mock tomorrow in biology and I am terrified cause I am struggling to remember everything. MORE ARG! And I did 2 hours of hardcore revision this morning. Yes Hardcore. I was with Lish cause it was our married day, then break with people? And back to private study with my wife, and the annoying ad on's. 

I was supposed to have media today, but our teachers said we can have the time off to go and take pictures for our coursework, as long as we went and saw him during the day. AND I FORGOT. Well originally I didn't forget, at the end of my first double bill of private study I was going to go see him, but Jan wouldn't let me leave. Then I just forgot about it until the moment I got home, and I'm all like ARRRRRRRG! 

In other news, been watching Sherlock for like the 7th time. That was pretty much my day. Not really worth a blog post really but hey, no going back now. See you in the 'morrow!

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