Sunday 19 January 2014


A while ago during a lesson of Psychology my delightful husband Clark suggested that Clive and I watch this play/musical thing called Twisted: The Untold Story of A Royal Vizier. So I watched it cause she showed us the trailer and it looked good. If you have not already guessed this is a review post. I have added a youtube video of the production cause I really suggest you watch it cause I may spoil it for you. Just ensure you have a good 2 hours and 15 minutes spare. But it is all in one clip which I love cause you don't have to go through the annoying thing of transferring to different videos. Ugh don't you hate that? There is a lot of swearing so if you are young or just don't like bad language don't watch it. Anywho here is what I thought.

 It is a parody of most plays as well as Disney/Pixar Films. And I love a good parody, even if it takes the piss out of something I love. This is based on the story of Aladdin but from the point of view of Jafar, so obviously I love it cause he is one of the better villains. The point is that the story is twisted to make him look like the bad guy and then some point during the middley-end some other famous villains come out and talk about how their stories were twisted which I loved, cause the villains are amazing. 

The best thing about this was that it genuinely made me laugh with their jokes, there was one that took the piss out of Toy Story 2 and I love that film which is kind of why I found it funnier. Also the character of Aladdin was supposed to be sex obsessed and pretty much throughout he said that to sleep with a girl you use subliminal messaging and after every line who would go "take off your clothes" and everytime I laughed. He even turned it into a song. Some of the actors were just naturally funny as well.

I'm not going to say much cause it needs to be watched instead of just read about. Immediately I fell in love with the performance and wanted to watch it again, but at this point the last episode of Sherlock was about to come on and I couldn't miss that, especially with the ending which I am not going to spoil for those who have not watched it. But why haven't you seen it?  Anywho... At first I wasn't going to think I would love it as much as I did, cause I thought plays were a bit too tedious and meh, but this was no waste of time, and if you ever are bored on a weekend with nothing else to do and you think hmm, what to do, what to do? Watch Twisted. Seriously I almost died of laughter. 

 Man talking about it makes me want to watch it again, See you in the 'morrow!

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