Tuesday 7 January 2014

Back at School

Back to school, and I didn't have to go in until 10, heaven. So I woke up at 8:30 and watched some tv and got ready and went to school in the rain! However the bus was cheaper than usual so that was bonus. When I got to school I saw my friends, for it was breaktime. We mainly talked about Sherlock, cause I was wearing my fabulous shirt, I mention that so much it's ridiculous. And we spoke about ummm... I forget.

Onto biology! So today I thought I was going to have a mock test and I was really stressed cause I had only gotten about 4 hours sleep and I hadn't revised Mrs Binghams stuff enough. But it was all good in the rainbow coloured hood, for we aren't going to do the test until next Thursday, so I have over a week to revise more, yay! Biology was also fun cause we had Quakers and she always talks to us as if she is a friend more than a teacher, telling us her embarrassing stories, like how a previous student of her asked her out in front of her daughter. She also brought in her guinea pigs and they are so friggen adorable even though they kept attacking me. 

Lunchtime next, and I must say, I think I lost it. So it started out normally just sitting next to Maddy surrounded by everyone eating dinosaur biscuit things. Then I got up and made my way over to Clive, and sat on the back of her chair. Then I fell towards her and couldn't get up and ended up pushing her off the chair, then I was upside down and Claire feared for me so rested my head on her lap. So the bell rang and I had the challenge of getting up. I decided to swivel round and Claire told me to be careful, so obviously the two chairs placed next to each other moved apart as I was on them so I fell flat on the floor. I wasn't hurt though which was a miracle. I got up and was light headed so as a normal response said "Claire's crotch has magic powers" 

Next was double psychology ish... we got to leave early. We were learning about abnormalities and basically Maddy and I kept saying everyone was perfectly fine, even though the rest of the class said they were abnormal. I don't like the word abnormal to describe others, cause what is normal? Our opinion of normal shows our perception of the world, and perception isn't fact, so if normal isn't fact how can abnormal be. I don't mind calling myself abnormal though, cause you can say anything about yourself. Anywho, in other news Claire found out she was getting a new doggywoggy called Ellie! Not the same spelling cause I am super special, but still ELLIE! Magic. 

As usual Clive and I had to wait for the late bus, so we sat in the common room with Emily and Tom. We started talking about gossip and stuff, this continued on the bus. I kind of crossed a line on the bus by talking about something I don't think I should have mentioned, but I can't help it, I just say things without thinking.

Now I'm watching my cat eat leftover peas off my sisters plate instead of the leftover chicken. There is something wrong with that cat. 

So I enjoyed my day back at school, hope you enjoyed your day. See you in the 'morrow!

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