Friday 24 January 2014

Bringing Classic Back

Hey guys! Who is proud of me for not mentioning My Little Pony in my last blog, eh? I certainly am. So recently I haven't been talking about my days as per use cause well...reasons. But today I am going to bring back the classic me. So here is my day.

I did not have to be in school until 10:30 so I was all yay lay in then yay My Little Pony, cause I'm addicted so much they are like my children. Then I ate a fuck load of Curiously Cinamon cause they are crazy addictive, I ate about 1/4 of a box. DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! It was a moment of weakness. However I miss their previous names. Cinnamon Grahams, there was something about it that made me happy. And it is easier to say. I have to think too much saying curiously, and I'm not a big fan of thinking.  So after the pig out I went to 6th form.

First was break cause the bus gets me there just in time for break, and I don't really remember much. So I'll just talk about Media. UGH Media. I love media but today I wanted to stab someone in the face. basically Champs wasn't there so we had set work that we had to do in the study centre, but it was full as was the spare room so we went to the Galmeister who is our other Media teacher and he lent us lapotps. So 20/120 minutes had gone by and we only got settled. But it wasn't over. It took me a further 20 minutes just to find a friggen laptop that logged me into the server. But Finally I was in and worked could be done! However, after about half an hour the world decided to be a douche. First Jessie's laptop was dying and she tried to save her work on the last breath the laptop could give but it wouldn't let her, then it just gave up and full on died. So I took this as an opportunity to save my work as a back up, but it wouldn't let me either, saying that it cannot connect to the domain. So we had a waste of a lesson! We were frustrated from this point on and went to the common room in protest.

There we saw Amy and Siobhan trying to complete Psychology work so we offered help, by voicing parts of their presentation which they were recording. But it pretty much failed as we had no idea what we were doing, I practically could not read anything and we kept talking over it, oh and I was having a dance party. Lish joined somewhere among the mess and I decided to mount her. I bet she loved it. Then that came to an end and it was lunch time where we were joined by the usual gang of whojamawhatsits. But Jessie left :'( 

We spoke about the usual things, basically things we are addicted to. But then Amy was a bit upset about work and we all focused on making her feel better. Well most of us Claire was just playing Candy Crush. But don't fear all is good in her hood. Aims if you read this before you go to work on Saturday then I will see you there, and I will order my usual. 

As lunch was ending I was getting very frustrated with my husband Clark. For we had psychology. I was like "She better not be off saving the world. She knows I hate that." Cause we pretend our friend Maddy is superman cause she dresses like him. I know we are weird.  But she arrived just in time. In Psychology Clive was all "I want to sit near you cause you are too damn fabulous and awesome" So I swapped places with Megan, it was weird sitting there. But nice cause I was closer to my Clive. Pretty much all through the lesson I was making origami animals. 

Then Clive and I waited for our late bus for an hour, and we played on the Akinator App and I tried finding out if he knew who I was and he didn't. But I'm not too bothered cause I'm not famous and I'm not really worthy of it. Then I locked Claire out of her phone for 5 minutes MWAHAHAHA! You still haven't shown me the picture that caused it all. Then a late bus journey home, after the late bus was late, where I became a child and played Yellow car, with some additions, such as chickens, plastic chairs and fire. Cause I saw all those things, some more than once.

Then at home I brought back an old winter tradition of Hot Chocolate and a Hot Cross Bun before bed. It was delicious. CRAP! I have 35 minutesleft in the day and I need to go back through the blog and put all the blue parts in. AAERAFHBSKJDNAS! Why did I leave this so fucking late? Maybe cause you were watching youtube all fucking afternoon. That's true. Wish me luck to get this completed! See you in the 'morrow!

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