Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Magnificent 7- Confectionery

So I am a massive fan of the land of sweets and chocolate. Which is bad for you I know, but I don't it sweets that much, I try to have them in moderation. But that doesn't stop me from having 7 favourites. Therefore, this blog is clearly about that. You really need to start reading the titles. Mainly it's chocolate, cause chocolate kicks ass. Here goes!

7. See the Rainbow, Taste the Rainbow! Obviously Skittles.
How people cannot like Skittles I will never know. With most coloured objects I become a little OCD and have to organise them into coloured groups. When I am on my own duh. Others cannot ruin my rainbow fun. Then I either eat my least favourite colour first, or grab one from each and shove them all in my mouth to officially taste the Rainbow. Like most people, I think, My favourite Skittle are the Purple ones. However, unlike the rest of the confectionery on this list I am not completely addicted. So Seven! (Said in the voice of Len Goodman from Strictly cause that is the only way to say the number Seven from now on)

6. This would have to be the wonderful...Ferrero Rocher. That little treat you

can only have every so often because they are so fucking expensive! But their delicousness is worth it, most of the time. I love hazelnuts so that is probably why I love this thing, that I had to google how to spell, so much. However my problem is once I eat one I have to eat another, so my money is wasted in about 5 minutes. The trick for me is to hide them, so then I forget and find them a few days later and scoff my face then.

5. Mini Eggs would have to go to number 5, cause they are seasonal. However, luckily for me we live in a world where shops start selling seasonal things months before their time, so MINI EGGS ARE BACK! I love hoarding mini eggs for the year. Well I tell myself to hoard them and just end up eating them by the end of May. :'( But these little chocolatey shells shaped like eggs are so good. If you offer me one I couldn't resist. Much like the rest of the list actually. 

4. Goes to the wonderfulness of MAOAMS! The ongoing war of how they

are actually pronounced continues. To me it is like a Moaw like a cat followed by Ams. MOAWAMS! They are probably my favourite sweet like thing, even though I'm not quite sure exactly what they are. Just a fruity chewy glob strip. I should be their campaign manager. But I love eating strips of Maoams and instead of just shoving it into my face I eat it slowly, nibbling away. The best ones are the red&blue combination. I have no idea what flavour this is, but it is the best.

3. MamamamamamamamaMagic Stars! That's

magic stars if you have trouble understanding what that was. Magic Stars are so good. Milky Chocolatey Heaven. The little faces are also adorable. There's AngryMan, ConfusedGuy, HappyChappy, CoolDude, KeziaFace and the Baby. All cause they are what they look like. Kezia face, for the confused bunch, is the one wearing glasses making a... how can I show this in typing?...umm. Ugh forget it, but this face reminds me of my friend Kezia so KeziaFace. 

2. The incredibly addictive M&M's. They are so good, and

way better than Smarties. Sorry Smartie fans. There is something about them that just makes me crave them constantly and just eat until there is nothing left. However they are also coloured so I cannot have any until they have been organised. Then I eat my least favourite colour to my favourite, cause you always save the best 'til last. 

1. I have mentioned this so many times on my blog. Terry's Chocolate

Orange. The only way I like orange flavouring in chocolate. Terry you are a pure genuis and I love you. You are like my Ben and Jerry, however their ice-creams are to die for. Especially the Core one with the Cookie Dough and the fudge and it's all just so...but back to TCO. The fact that they look like segments of oranges just amazes me, and they are so addictive I'm all like I HAVE TO EAT THIS ENTIRE THING NOW! Crap now I want some TCO. Fuck this list! 

That was all, and all was that. See you in the 'morrow!

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