Thursday 9 January 2014

The Day of the Damp

Today was a bit well meh. It started off me being woken up by my sister asking why I wasn't up yet, and I was like what's the time she replied 7:10 so I only had approximately 18 minutes to get up, dressed, bag packed, hair brushed, teeth brushed, shoes on, coat on, phone in pocket, and out the door. I failed at brushing my hair and putting my shoes on and taking my phone the first time round. It was so rainy this morning, it was like being under a waterfall. So when I left my house the first time I got soaked, and my shoe let in loads of water, then I realised I forgot my phone and had to run back to the house and back to the bus stop hoping the bus would be late. However, it was later then I would have liked, cause I continued to get wet for another 5ish minutes.  

Clive told me she was going to be on the bus that morning, and I was looking forward to it. So surprise surprise she wasn't there. But I didn't care for I had Emmi to share the ride with. Then when I tried to get off the bus the driver shut the door just as I got there and I was like "ahh he never wants me to leave" but I left. Then walking down the road, the rain was rather pathetic so I wasn't as annoyed, but I was still wet. Walking down the road I was talking to Em about how I have never been splashed by a car, and it happened twice. It was only on my leg so I wasn't too frustrated, but I wanted it to happen the first time cause I wanted to experienced getting splashed by a car. I thought it would be refreshing. It was not.

At school I got a hot chocolate from the machine in the common room, for common people. It was so good. Yum. I loved it also for the simple fact it was warm. So Emma and I spoke to Craig about his failed attempt for a moustache, and what width would class as a hitler look. More people showed up and I can never remember what we talk about cause it was so long ago. The I had two hours of private study. Where I actually studied and it was super boring, and I was so cold. So moving on to break time. I went in sat next to Lish but blanked her for a bit cause she was too lazy to take a two minute walk and come and see me yesterday. But then I gave in cause I had to start blanking Clive. She kept making excuses about how she slept through her alarms and kept stroking my face and hair trying to get me to look at her. I gave in again cause she is my Clive, and I love her. And she promised to buy me a can of coke. 

Which she did during double psychololololology. We started leanring about stress in psychology and I have a feeling I am going to get stressed cause I don't understand it and out exam is in 5 months. Hopefully I'll be ok. Fingers crossed. Also during psychology Clark, Clive and I were being rebels by watching a trailer for a musical spoof of Aladdin, what was it called? Clive? It began with a T...umm...FOOK! But yeah, and I barely did any work cause I was laughing at a cartoon picture of a guy. 

Lunchtime. And I only stayed for a bit and I had no other lessons. We took selfies on Lish's phone and Claire and I were just looking at pictures of each other. Then that was pretty much it and I left with my sister and Emily heading back down the road to the bus stop. However part way down I realised I need to pee. It was not nice, cause I know it would take 10 minutes to get home and I would just die. But I survived. You didn't really need to know that did you?

When I got home I put on a penguin onesie, had some lunch and watched Hal fail at putting together her office chair. So I offered assistance and it turns out we both suck at putting things together. It took us an hour and a half to put it all together. I say all, the wheels are spread around the room cause we still have no idea how they go on, they don't screw in, so they just fall out, so clearly we gave up.

Well that was my day of dampness and derpness. See you in the 'morrow!

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