Friday 3 January 2014

The Resolution

Well all my friends have written about their new years resolutions so yeah I'm going to write about mine 3 days into the year.

I have none.

See you in the 'morrow!

Did you enjoy that really interesting blog post there? She says still continuing the post. But I genuinely have no resolutions. Well I do but I wont keep them so seriously what is the point in making them in the first place. This probably isn't very interesting for you to read, so I'll talk about what I would hope to get out of the year, but leave it to die in dreamland cause there isn't a chance in hell it will happen.

1. To start of is the most cliché answers for a resolution. Losing weight. As a child I was never bothered about how I looked so I was like YEAH eat fuck loads of food, and now I have to suffer for it. I'm not the biggest person in the world, and I don't want to be a twig bitch or anything like that, but there are certain parts of my body I hate because of fat. Probably the cure for this is exercise but I am too fucking lazy for that shit. I have no exercise equipment so all I have really is to go outside for a jog or something and there isn't a chance in hell I'm doing that cause I can't run for shit. If I'm being chased by something that will kill me, fuck it I'll die. So yeah in a perfect world where I am not awkward, I would like to lose weight.

2. I would like to stop procrastinating. The entirety of my GSCE's was me doing work last minute, and luckily I got away with it. But A-Levels will not be the same, so I need to get my butt in gear. I say this yet I haven't done any revision for a mock I have next week. Knowing me I'm going to leave it all last minute and get stressed then go fucking insane from being stressed. I should have put a personal assistant on my Christmas list so they can stand at my side and keep me in line.

3. This year a nice accomplishment would be to finally know what I want to do. Cause I have a feeling if I change my mind too much it will come down to my life just being me in a shit-hole. Again I think I am so lazy I can't be bothered to work to get a desired job, if I knew exactly what that was. At the moment I don't want to go to Uni cause I don't want to deal with all the work. But I feel a nice job is all I'm ever going to get, cause the way I've been going, I'm never going to be in a relationship of any meaning. And I don't want to disappoint my family by not going. 

4. Number 4 kind of contradicts number 2, but I want to be more social. I feel like if I miss out on my social life, I am going to die of boredom, alone, and that will suck. However I don't want so much of a social life that I don't get enough work done. I'd rather have good A-Level grades than be miss popular. Not that I'm bothered about being popular, I just want to have more fun with friends outside of school. But yeah?

I cannot think of any more so four will have to cut it. None of these will happen so don't expect anything. However if by some miracle I decide to take them seriously and it works, you will find out. Next year ;) 

See you in the 'morrow!

I mean it this time.

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