Sunday 5 January 2014

In With the New

Sup! Elli here, as always, but there is something different. I gots me a new laptop! It is super weird cause I am not quite used to the new keyboard yet so if there are any spelling mistakes please do not hate me for it. So basically my old laptop was dying after a brave 5 year battle so I thought it was time for an update. Besides my webcam broke on my old one, and I need  a webcam. 

Well actually I don't need a webcam, for it is not a requirement. But you may know that I have been wanting to start a youtube channel to prove to myself I am capable of something like that, as well as to teach myself to stop procrastinating and start doing stuff I want to do. However, my camera isn't of as good a quality I hoped. I know excuses, excuses. But I'd want the quality of camera to be good. and yeah this is kind of boring. I may still make  videos with the terrible quality, cause no-one was really going to watch them anyway. 

In other news I have reached 1026 pageviews! I mean seriously what the fadoodle is going on here! I haven't even been going for 2 months. Lish got upset cause I was catching up fast. Mwahaha I shall beat your pageview count Lishill! But it is ridiculous. Thanks though for actually reading the posts if you have read the posts or are just reading this one cause that still counts as more pageviews. However some of the page just come from people flicking through the blogs to find a readable one, and the more you post the more it will be published, so really it is because I have posted everyday since I started.

Today has been pretty boring so there isn't really to blog about. So again thanks for the pageviews and don't expect too much from me "vlogging" cause of what I have previously said. See you in the 'morrow children! Wow in my mind that sounded utterly terrifying however that must have just been my mind...Yeah...See you in the 'morrow!

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