Wednesday 4 February 2015

Crossy Road

Game day has returned to you pretty little people (even though I assume most of you are probably taller than me). Today's game is the fabulous Crossy Road (as you can see in the title). So like a couple of weeks ago, I remember Amy and Emily talking about this game and it reminded me of when I saw Pewds play it and all of that mushed into one, and before I knew it I downloaded the game. I haven't been completely addicted, like playing it every single moment of my life. But when I have a free moment I think, let's cross some roads!

By the way, sorry for the lack of pictures, but I get frustrated when taking screenshots on my phone, it took me like 7 attempts to take just one the other day. But anywho... If you have never heard of this game before, you start of with this pixel chicken, and every time you tap he takes a step forward (which equals a point) and you have to try and navigate him across a road. You can also swipe back and to the sides to help. There are different obstacles, like cars trains, moving logs over rivers (like the old game frogger) and then there is a bird that swoops down if you spend too long waiting, and apparently there are crocodiles and bears, which I haven't encountered yet. You can also get coins to get different characters. So far I have these characters:
Baby Duck
Giddy Goat
Mad Bull
Grey Bunny
Lovely Bunny
Tree Frog
Swamp Frog
Desert Frog
Floppy Fish
Swift Snail
The Dark Lord
Specimen 115
Disco Zoo
Big Fat Pig
Hipster Whale and
Andy Sum

Yep after only a couple of weeks. So at first I wouldn't get great scores (like only 50 odd) which then slowly made it's way up to 125 and kind of stayed there. Until the other day I was playing, and something incredible happened. I was playing as Forget-Me-Not and it just kept going, kept crossing all the roads and I was amazed reaching my current high score of 254. Which I think is the highest out of my friends. SO YAY! 

I suggest you to play this game. And I would like to know what you score, and who your favourite character is. 

Please talk to me.

I'm lonely.

See you in the 'morrow!