Saturday 11 January 2014

The Big Day Out

Today was good, great even. So of course you are going to know everything about it. To celebrate Lish's birthday at 3 o'clock we were going bowling, I suck at bowling but being bad makes it more fun. Then we would be going to Nandos. But I still needed to buy Lish a present so Clive and I planned to go up to the city
earlier. But Lish got on the bus. I was like AGGG. I told her me and Claire need to do things first and Lish said like what, Claire said "go on a date" and I said "Have sex" yeah normal response. So we split off from Lish and went to Chapelfield. Where I went in Claire's (that sounds dirty ;) ) and got
myself a necklace before thinking about getting Lish stuff. But I bought her two necklaces a really cute box to place them in and a rubber from blott. I also got myself 3 rubbers, a piggywiggy, a cowwow, and a alligatorbater. I don't know why couldn't just say them properly. 

So when we were done we told Lish we were going to meet her in the Mall's food court. So we could see Amy. And I suggested we walk through Primark so we could see James working cause we can tell Paige about how we saw her favourite person in the world. But me and Claire ended up buying ourselves stuff, and being served by James, he was wearing a tie, it was adorable. I
bought some gloves and a bright coloured lipstick cause I thought it would look funny on me, it did, and Clive got herself a pair of booties. Then we headed for the food court where I planned to sneak past Alicia. She saw us. So we waited to get served by Aims and I walked up and said, "I'll have my usual" and she was like which is? Seriosouly Amy every-time I have been there I have just ordered a coke. We got our drinks, drank them, I gave Lish her pressies, ate a coffee stirrer, put on the lipstick and laughed, then we headed to Riverside. 
 When we got there we were blinded by the sun, it made me believe this girl was Siobhan, and it turns out SIobhan was inside. :/ Anywho I suggested going outside to look for people and Claire told me no-one will be there, and I saw Paige, ran up to her and gave her a hug, came back in and

gave Clive a "Suck on that" look. Soon after Emma arrived and we went to get our bowling shoes. Did I mention we were going bowling *scrolls up* ah yes I did. So we had to wait a while cause 3 people needed size 7 and they didn't have that size, so for like five minutes I was standing there in my size 5 bowling shoes waiting for them. UGH.
Onto bowling, I took pictures and videos of people bowling, and obviously I started off terribly. We played two games and Siobhan won the first after a terrible start, so was like Yay. And I managed to get two strikes. Two! Then the second
games started and I decided to
 use the heaviest ball. Which I called Greeny I got another two strikes. I went from 6 points to 63, it wasamazing. And I won!  Beating Siobhans score  from the previous game! I was so pleased with myself I have never won bowling before. :') So I got a balloon from somewhere and claimed it as my victory prize. 

 After we bowled, we waited for Kez and Amy so played on the arcade games. We played extreme air hocky, where shit hit the fan and all these little pucks came flying out and it was chaos. Me and Siobhan won again, so it was looking good for us. Then we played

this pacman game where if you eat a certain pellet you got to eat the other pacmen and I didn't win even though I ate the most pacmen. SERIOUSLY!? Then Siobhan and I played a basketball game where I epically failed, and we went in a photobooth and failed with that cause we couldn't all fit in. 

 Then we went outside to wait for the others and took a group shot, cause group shots are always nice, but it went a little blurry :/ Then Kez and Aims got there and we took another group shot and headed into Nandos cause it
wasfreezing. As there was 8 of us we had to wait for a table and there were two chairs so we sat on each others lap. In the end I gave up my chair and sat on the plant pot so another person could use Claire's lap. 

Once we got our seats they decided that Kez and I should order, so I wrote everything down, and still got things wrong. Kez was even worrying about other peoples orders she orders her incorrectly. It was a kerfuffle. Wow Kerfuffle is actually a word. That is incredible. Anywho we ate our meals and each shared Bottomless drinks, like we were on dates with
each other. Of course I was with Clive. Then we waited for Em to take forever to finish her food so me and Claire shared a delicious chocolate cake, and we even did the couple thing of linking arms as we ate a bite. So we finished and Claire and I left first and sat on a podium thingy and I was hugging her cause the poor thing was shaking in the cold.

Joined by the others we then walked to go where we needed to go home. Paige left us first and the rest of us stood outside poundland have small raves to music playing from our phones. Emma's mum arrived to take Claire, Amy, Kezia, Myself and of course Emma home. so we parted ways with Siobhan and Lish with a group hug. In the car we mainly talked about knowing where we live and Emma's Best friend.
 I can't remember some specific details but this is a long enough blog as it is so this will have to do. See you in the 'morrow!

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