Monday 27 January 2014

The Sister

Back again, like everyday. Well at least I'm consistent even though sometimes my content isn't so great. But today is my Sister's birthday so I am going to talk a little bit about her. 

Like most sisters we fight cause that is a sibling rule. But beneath all the fighting there is love. over the past
year we have fought less, which I love cause we can get really aggressive. I think it is cause we have matured. Ha, me maturing. Actually now that I think about it sometime Hal isn't that mature either. As you could probably tell from the face painting that did not occur near halloween. 

Hal turned 19 today, and at the end of this year she is going to Uni in Derby. And I'm going to miss her so much, from our snuggles on the sofa to her funny random comments about TV shows. She can't leave me now considering we found so many day time TV shows we started watching together like Four Weddings and Ultimate Cake Off which are both super bitchy which is why we love them.

Aside from that things aren't going to be the same without her. I have spent all my life with her, and having the comfort of knowing she was there to complain to, or talk to, and share gossip with. But when she's gone she's gone. I can barely spend a week without her, which I discovered on Holiday this year when she didn't come with us. I called her every single day and would have probably missed her loads more if Jessie wasn't with me. But still how am I going to cope for more than a year
without her when
 I can't even last 7 days. 

So I know that was a short pointless post, but I had nothing else to write about so why couldn't I write about my sister. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HALLA! Even though you don't read my blog. She's so supportive. She always tells me I'm going to fail in life. Love you xXx See you in the 'morrow!

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