Wednesday 22 January 2014

Listen Here You Little Shiet

Sorry about the title sounding like I am calling you a little shit, but there is method behind the madness. Today I am staying over at Jessie's house so this is as good a time as any to talk about my beloved friend. Basically the title refers to what she says to me sometimes, as well as her idea for a blog which she is never going to publish. 
Jessie, Jess, Jass, Jasstopher Pippin Head Boy at Charlington High School. Would you like to here my theme tune? WUBWA! Isn't it amazing (jeeves) would be the person I class as my best friend. But I don't cause she is more like a sister. My mum has even decided to name her as her daughter so she is practically family. 
In year 8 I first encountered this wonderful creature, but all was not good for she didn't like me too much. Which I don't blame her for cause I was a dick. However, she was in my P.E. class, and when getting changed (yes stripping down is always the best way to make a friend) we found the first of many common interests. The Natural Confectionery Advert. Our Favourite being the Snail Jiggle which you can watch in the video located to the right of this typing. This was the start of everything and sometime Jass and I consider writing in to tell them how grateful we are. 

Things I love about Jessie:
We are practically inseparable
She too is obsessed with Snails, Unicorns, Rainbows, Teasets and My Little Pony.
She pulls the best faces when having her picture taken.
She thinks there is a secret hot tub on the roof of our school.
Her songs she knows about nuggets in biscuits
She isn't afraid to be herself
She treats me as though my weirdness is normal
We have the same taste in breakfast food. CRUMPETS.
She likes being painted like one of those French Girls
How she knows what I am thinking.
She is hilarious
Her overall self pretty much.
 The beauty that is my crumpet, is possibly the best friend you could ask for. Yeah we have had our arguments but when I need her she is their with her jokes and strangeness to make me smile. I don't think I could have got through the last year if it wasn't for her. But seeing her cry makes me cry, which in turn makes her cry so we end up in a big tearful mess, which always end when we watch some pewdiepie. She also tells it how it is, so when I need a slap round the face for being hysterical she will provide it. Sometimes maybe even literally.

After 4 years you would have thought we have driven each other insane, but we haven't. So instead we share our weirdness with the world in the form of our youtube channel unicornsoftherainbow. Then there is the many photos of us in onesies just pulling derp faces, and weird sitting positions. But we don't care what people think of us, if they actually do think anything. For we are Butt in Tent! <3 I really do not know what I would do without my Jassums, we plan to live together and make our house the place of wonder, that not even Alice could have found, and still be sane. And all of our adventures shall be shared with the world, either with this blog or some other form of communication. So look forward to that. See you in the 'morrow!

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