Thursday 23 January 2014

Winter Time

Hey Sexy People! Is it weird I called you sexy? Well then that's your problem cause you all probably are sexy and you are going to have to deal with that. Anywho...Today I am going to talk about Winter. And how much I love/hate it. Cause there are some amazing things but most of the time it sucks. 

THE PROS! It is the season of snow. And snow is amazing for the simple fact of having fun with friends. Last year I went Sledging for the first time, and I loved it. But we didn't have official sledges so Jessie and I went down on laminated A3 paper. We went really fast it was hilarious. However there was a small bump at the bottom of the hill that threw you and it was
dangerous, but I think that made it more entertaining. Also making snowmen/snow towers, cause they are so much fun. The best part destroying them. I remember 2 years ago my friends and I made a massive snow tower called JIMM, and had leaves and colours from drinks, even a face, and he was fabulous. But we knew some douchebag
would destroy him 
so we decided we should do it. And it was sad to see him die, but it was way more satisfying to kill him ourselves. Another amazing thing about winter is icicles and things like that. I took some
pictures of some the other day which you can see around this text.
 I just find things like this fascinating. Winter can also be considered the season for ice skating. I love Ice skating. My friends and I used to go a lot cause there was a rink near us. But it has closed down now :'( I wish there was a lake nearby that freezes over like in the movies so that I could go whenever I wanted with Emma, cause she is so pro at ice skating.  

THE CONS! First I'll mention snowballing, cause sometimes it is a pro, but sometimes it is the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. Like Kyle's Mom. (Please tell me at least one person get's the South Park reference) Once I got hit in the eye with a snowball made mainly of ice, and it isn't pretty. So when you are outside on a snowday and have the need to hurtle a frozen ball of soft frozen water, MAKE SURE THERE IS NO ICE. Or anything else cause it could get bad. The main con is the cold. I mean I prefer being really cold to really warm cause it means you get to layer up and snuggle (Another pro) and when you are really hot all you can do is strip down and stand in front of fans, however I suppose sounding like a Darlek is kind of fun. But sometimes it is too fucking cold outside, like today for example. 

That is pretty much it. I still feel there is no need for Winter, I said this to Clive the other day. Why not just Autumn followed by Spring and then back to Autumn. Cause we can have the things grow and die, and live in a time of perfect weather when it is not too cold but not too hot, and you get rain. However in England you get rain all year round. We do not need the prolonged periods of trees with no leaves and trees with lots of leaves. It is unnecessary. See you in the 'morrow! 

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