Friday 17 January 2014

Socially Anti-Social

I don't know why but I get the feeling just writing about my day isn't very interesting. Maybe I need to be more inspirational of something like that. But the idea of someone aspiring to be like me is just Why? There are so many amazing people, what's this 16 year who basically does nothing with her life have that people crave. However, I'm going to post about my day cause I enjoy reading it back in a month or so and be like, omc that was hilarious. So this was my Fridyay. Yes I call it Fridyay, cause it's like yay weekend!

Anywho, I was awoken at 6:45 but didn't leave my bed until 7:10, I was incredibly lazy this morning. This led to me not being ready for my usual bus so I got the 8 o'clock one, really I did this so I could sneak in some My Little Pony gameplay. Sidenote: I got Amy addicted! The Ponyness shall spread! So I got on the bus and got about 3 phonecalls from Clark asking where I was, but I ignored them cause I literally walked through the school gate and couldn't be bothered. So I got to psycholology and she was like "Where were you?" and I was like "On a bus where were you?" cause I was on a bus...yeah. 

PSYCHOLOGY! Jonesy told us we had to pair up to conduct an experiment on acute stress and I went with Clive and she wouldn't accept any of my suggestions. I was saying things like stab people or throw them off a cliff. And she was like that's illegal, then Sir told us the only ethical issue: we should avoid death, so I suggested kidnapping. THAT DOESN'T LEAD TO DEATH. Most of the time. And she was all like no. Then complained at me cause we got no work done. Make your own suggestions Clive I raised you to be independent! And she came up with an idea and wrote it down while I made an origami farm. Well farm more like a huge ass cattat, a doggywoggy, a booterfly and a baneh. Best farm ever.

Another wonderful part about psychology was the 5 minute break, I left earlier then Clive and Clark, cause they were taking too long, then I was heading back and saw them coming through the window next to the door leading to the common room. So I ducked down and waited. Clive walked through first and I stroked her leg as she walked past. Then it was a small screaming dominoes. Clive, Clark then my laughter. Then Clark pulled me into the toilets and 2 minutes later questioned why we were in there. CAUSE YOU DRAGGED ME IN THERE!

Then there was break and all I remember was buying a chocolate bar for 40p and sitting on Claire's lap. Oh and questioning where my Jassums was. She was in graphics :'(

So Lish and I walked to our lessons together and met Jessie on the way. Lish left to go to umm crap what did she have? It was either Travel and Tourism or Business. It was Travel and Business. A weird ass mash up. And Jessie and I went to media, where we watched QI and spoke about theories for audience responses and there was one called the magic bullet and Jessie in her notes wrote magic buffet. I mean aren't all buffet's magical. And then not much else really happened. Apart from hearing the Galmeister talk about Twerking. 

Lunchtime now with the anti-social bunch. First Claire was reading and I just gave her the look of "Bitch put that book down or I shall shove it up your butt." Then Amy started playing on Candy Crush and I was like what is the point? But her phone started to die. That is what you get for being anti-social. However Amy left and Siobhan and I started reading a play Mojo it was messed up. WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON? I chose to be the character who got the weirdest lines, but I suppose if I read the whole thing I may like it. Maybe. The Siobhan left with pretty much everyone so I was left with Claire, Ems, and Momo. Claire continued to read so I was talking to Em and Giancarlo can't remember. But there was one thing Giancarlo said that killed us both. This is how it went.

Momo: "My face hurts."
Me: "Why?"
Momo: "Cause I was cycling."
Me: "Why were you cycling?"
Momo: "Cause I was walking." 

Even writing that has made me burst out into ridiculous laughter. Then Ems and I went to Biology and we learnt about amino acids and I actually understood it. I was amazed. But that was only for an hour so I went to the common room and saw Claire, still reading. So I was a little bit mean and googled the book to find a summary and read the ending so I know what happens. However by the times she reads this she has probably finished so there is no point for a spoiler alert. Then Amy and Emmi joined us and we had a conversation about My Little Pony and Emma said she might get it and I was like Yay spread the ponies! Then Claire went to the toilet and I turned into a mean. I moved her book mark, after remembering her actual pagenumber, to a page she had already read. But on the late bus she was like, I can't read anymore but I needed her to, if not it wouldn't work, and me and Amy were giggling away as she got out her book and was reading through the page to find out where she was and she got angry at me cause she realised. I only do this cause I love you Clive! The rest of the late bus journey was just random conversations about Sarah Jane Adventures, The Dumping Ground and Waterloo road. 

Now I am home, playing more My Little Pony and watching youtube, so you know the usual. See you in the 'morrow!

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