Wednesday 8 January 2014

My Lishill Chicken Bubz

Happy Birthday Hunnybun! As it is her birthday I decided to dedicate a bonus blog post to My Lishill Chicken Bubz. I love Lish for many reasons, some being she makes me laugh, and I know I can always talk to her and that she is always there for me. Well I say always...Yesterday she said she would come in today and hang with me in private study. BUT NO. She stayed at home and I was all lonesome... I wanted to give her a birthday nose bump. Well now she cannot have one. She will have to deal with this virtual one. BOOP! *she says whilst tapping the computer screen aka Lish's nose* 

That's pretty much it. Oh but wait, Lish is now 17 so that means she can use magic outside of Hogwarts! Hopefully she uses it for good and not evil. It also means she can drive, so um, good luck anybody and everybody when she finally gets her license.

Only one thing left to say... the classic CBeebies birthday song.

Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you
Have a Happy  day today (have a Happy  day)
CBeebies wishes you a Happy Birthday
Have a Happy  day today
Are you 1? Are you 2? Are you 3? Are you 4? Are you 5 6 7 or maybe more? (like 17)
CBeebies wishes you a Happy Birthday with lots of lovely cards through your door.

Before you ask I wrote that from memory. Yep I know the lyrics deal with it. Happy 17th Lish.

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