Thursday 16 January 2014

The Magnificent 7- Films

The Magnificent 7 has returned once more with a new installment of stuff I like. Today Films. Please make note this was incredibly difficult for me to order cause I love so many films. 

7. Number seven is going to have to be Submarine. I love this film because 1. it is directed by Richard Ayoade 2. It has Craig Roberts in it and 3. it is based on a brilliant book. If you have not seen it Submarine is about a boy called Oliver Tate who is kind of socially awkward, and he tries to fix his parents marriage, and tries to get this girl he likes, and it is just a funny adorable film. 

6.  Well up next, she says like a news reporter cause that's what it felt like in her weird little mind. Next is Scott Pilgrim vs the World. I like this film cause it is portrayed differently to most films. Like with the comic book feel and some of the effects, just makes the story even better. It is funny and my favourite quote from it has to be "you knocked the highlights out of her hair" cause to me that concept is hilarious. 

5. Everyone loves Toy Story, and if they say they do not, then they are lying. I am saying Toy Story in general so am including 2&3 in this, cause they are all as good as each other, ok maybe 3 was slightly better cause of the feels :'( but still as a whole they deserve the number 5 spot. The best characters have to be Bullseye and the Aliens, cause they are funny and adorable. 

4.  Number four has to go to The Boat That Rocked. They place some great classic songs and I even though the story line is a little wha...? I enjoy it. I love the characters and the way they are portrayed. The whole film is just brilliant. The main character is pretty hot so that is also a bonus

3. Goes to Kick-Ass and the just as good Kick-Ass 2. Simply because they make me laugh so much. The first one includes my favourite quote, probably of all time, which is when Nicholas Cage is screaming for Hit Girl to switch to kryptonite. The second one had to include the best death scene I have probably ever scene in my life as well. So both are utterly brilliant so have to be at number 3.

2. I would have put Kick-Ass at number 2 but then I remembered a film I loved more than it. This film being The Rocky Horror Picture
Show. If you have not seen it before just watch it, cause explaining it will just confuse me. There is also a theatre version which I want to see, but at the moment I'm fine with the film. I love all the songs and sing along everytime they are on, sometimes I even just say random lines from the film, cause I know it that well. I first saw it with my mum, and I thought it was going to be bad cause my mum liked it, but it was brilliant. Definitely one of the greatest creations of all time. They are thinking of remaking it. Please don't! The original is fantastic and you cannot replace the actors, they did such a great job. Love that film.

1. Ok in all honesty, number one isn't really a film, well it is, but not just one. Number one goes to Tim Burton Films. Because he makes so many
good ones I just couldn't choose! and if I did do them separately then this whole list would just be his films pretty much. Edward Scissorhands is probably the best, cause it is just an all over fantastic film. Frankenweenie, Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas are without a doubt some of the best animation films. Then there's Sweeny Todd Demon Barber on Fleet Street, Sleepy Hollow, Dark Shadows, Beetlejuice, Alice in Wonderland and the hilarious Mars Attacks. All of them are just pure genius so clearly deserves the number one spot, and nothing and no-one can convince me otherwise. 

If you have not seen any of these films I suggest that you should they are amazing. Unless of course you don't think any decisions I make are correct so you don't think you can trust me now, which is fine. Your loss. See you in the 'morrow! 

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