Thursday 2 January 2014


This time yesterday I was watching probably the best television show around. SHERLOCK! If you haven't guessed already I am a huge Sherlock fan, I have a Moriaty T-shirt and the first two series' on DVD and now I have watched the new episode for the 3rd time. I'm not obsessed. Ok who am I kidding, of course I am.

Warning: This post may include extreme cases of fangirlling, as well as spoilers! 

Seriously if you don't want the episode to be spoiled do not read this. 

The same goes for not wanting to be annoyed by fangirlism.

So in my opinion the new episode was just amazing! Even though we never found out how he actually faked his death the fantasy's were still pretty amazing. My favourite obviously being the one by the girl from My Mad Fat Diary (also an amazing show which is returning this year, yay!) where Moriarty never killed himself and he and Sherlock were making fun of John with the phone call and they look at each other and lean in for a kiss. I would love to have been Sherlock in that instance. Cause Moriaty is so hot. I ship them two together. However I also ship Johnlock so hmmm they can all be involved in a threesome. 

However I also like Sherlock and Molly together cause they are so cute! I'm happy she found someone even though he is supposed to be a Sherlock copy. BUT THAT KISS! You know the one in Anderson's theory. I think every Sherlock fan wanted to be her. Yes even some of the guys! It was just..yeah..I mean just the hair ruffle before hand. When I saw him kiss her I was like EEEEEEEEEEEEWKNLIBPEGVBNvadejqhb! Cause at first we were made to believe that was actually what had happened, then it was a dream thing and I was like DAMN YOU TO HELL! But then he kissed her on the cheek and I died of adorableness.

Ok next we clearly have to  talk about when he tried to surprise John in the restaurant. The Accent, the glasses, the eyeliner moustache. It was just hilarious. When he was all like surprise and John didn't even look at him and Sherlock's face of pure disappointment. 

Other things I really enjoyed about the episode:
Lestrade's reaction to Sherlock's return "Oh you Bastard"
Sherlock and Mycroft playing Operation.
Anderson falling over due to madness.
Sherlock running into the fire to save John.
The return of the deerstalker.
The mention of his mind palace.
Sherlock's parents
The comments on John's moustache. "Does yours rub off as well?"
Sherlock Delusions of John being with him
Sherlock wearing the bobble hat, and being all fancy ass about it.
Mrs Hudson shipping Johnlock. "A woman!...Wow you really have moved on from Sherlock"
So pretty much the entire episode. 

Before you ask I do not care for Elementary the American spin off cause John and Moriarty being women do not work. I understand they are trying to make women seem more important. But it just doesn't work. Moriarty needs to be all camp, and John needs to protest about not being gay when people think he and Sherlock are an item. 

Expect more posts about Sherlock for I love it so much, however I am probably going to be all sad for the lack of Moriaty. He was so brilliant. His voice. His campness. When he said "Daddy's had enough now" in series 1 episode 3. Why did he have to shoot himself in the head!? WHY!? :'(

See you in the 'morrow!

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