Saturday 1 February 2014

The Stress Mess

If you read my blog post from yesterday you would have seen me used the term Stress Mess. I loved this cause it rhymed and it perfectly explained the situation of most students. So since I practically have nothing else to blog about cause my day was spent sleeping and doing Biology Revision. Wow that's so interesting! Anywho I am going to talk about the Stress Mess and try and think of advice.

Basically if you are a student you might understand that around this time you are very stressed due to school work. Mainly exams cause they are life changers. Most people have their life set out like "I'm going to get these grades and go to this University and get this job." But if you fail your exams then the rest is kaput. So everyone is stressing to do well. I don't blame them cause I am even though I don't have a plan that would get killed if I fail, I just want the grades as an option. Anywho... This exam season is 3 months away now, I think...And that is too fucking soon! I have to remember 2 whole textbooks of information for then. It's not enough time! But that folks is not the worst of it, because in approximately 3 weeks time there are mock tests. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN! I know what you are thinking, they are only mocks they contribute nothing. But you lie. We have been told if we don't pass the mocks then we can't sit the actual exams. ABHSssWEFBUODVH JVbpea. Hang on did I just write the word pea? Ha that's pretty impressive. 

Back to the point. Recently many people have had minor breakdowns because of stress and I don't blame them. I bet soon I am going to have one as well cause I am proper stressy about my Biology and Psychology mocks and the more I revise I swear the less I am remembering and I am like what the fuck is wrong with me! But I only have 3 weeks to try and remember it all and I just can't. And I am pretty certain I am not the only one who feels this way.

However, mocks are not the only thing. Because we are teenagers we all want money to buy things, but to do that we need jobs. And searching for a job alone, can be stressful. Because there are so many competitors and then interviews, being rejected. But before all that you actually need to ind somewhere with a vacancy. ARg. So that is another stress I am facing. But then other people get stressed about having a job. Cause they work so much they become tired and have no time to do their school work so they get super stressed about that. So I'm not sure if money is going to be worth the stress considering how stressed I am without a job. 

Then there are other life stresses like family issues, friend issues, and those you don't care about but they still make you stressed issues. People who are not stressed right now I quite literally want to punch in the face. But won't cause I am not mean.Not that I want them to be stressed cause it isn't nice, but cause they are all I'm not stressed and I am like SCREW YOU IN YOUR UN-STRESSFUL WORLD! Just pretend you are stressed when you next see me. That means you Lish! 

My advice about the Stress Mess is probably slightly hypocritical cause I rarely use them myself, but I might start trying. These are basically picked up from what other people have said or just my interpretation of things:
Meditate: I have been told to meditate a lot. Just take a couple of minutes of my time to just drift off into a world of nothingness where stress does not exist. 
Brief Distractions: This could be meditations, but I always feel talking to friends for a bit, or reading/watching something just takes my mind off stress. But if you do this for too long then you are probably going to get stressed cause you have gotten nothing done.
Time Management: If you have jobs then talk to them about the hours you work so you could get time to revise or sleep. Or make revision timetables to organised what to revise when.
Talk to people: Often talking to anybody about anything helps me stop stressing for a bit. Cause they could help me come up with ways to stop being stressed, or help me with revision that takes away that bit of stress. 
Not putting yourself in more stressful situations: Sometimes this is impossible cause you cannot help some stressful things. But say you are already ridiculously stressed, then don't get a job, or don't hang out with stressful people (this being people who frustrate you, not people who are stressed, unless they frustrate you

That is probably all the advice I have. If that helps, then good, if not sorry! But if anybody out there who just so happens to be reading this has any stress relieving methods you are more than welcome to leave a comment. So I guess all that is left to say is...See you in the 'morrow!

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