Wednesday 29 January 2014

The Doodle Master

Why hello there. Today I decided to talk about the thing I do when I am bored. I draw people. Sometimes it's people I know other times it is just random doodles. But yeah...

I think I started liking drawing in year 5 cause I drew a spectacular horse, but thinking back it was rather awful. I have drawn more horses since and they are improving. I pursued my drawing dream and just never stopped, my main doodle go to is eyes, well eye I can only draw one cause the other then they don't match. However, I hate drawing infront of people. Cause they are all judgey and ARg. Mainly cause I take forever to draw a simple thing and up until that point it looks wrong and then they'll question that. 

I took art at GSCE and came out with an A* so yeah I think I'm good at it. My main skill was my drawings of people, but they would take me hours to complete. So I would get really frustrated, and so I would give up drawing faces. But it is really the only thing I can draw, so when it comes to doodling I draw eyes then when that's done I attempt the rest of the face it looks bad I give up I move on.  

However the yesterday I realised that if I just put my mind to it, I can draw people quickly. Ok I lie this took me like 4 hours but 6 people in 4 hours for me is pretty impressive. I know what you are going to say, "Elli, they have no faces" Exactly that is probably why I struggle with people, that and hands and feet, but other than that I am pretty proud of my doodle. So I might do more things like this as they distract me from boredum and I think they are pretty good. 

Another way to entertain myself through drawing people, is something I started last week. It is based on a saying my friends and I have when we sit in a weird pose and say "paint me like one of those french girls" so I decided to pull up paint on my liptap (that's laptop to those that do not understand my words) and decided to
paint Jessie like one of those french girls. Obviously it was a joke drawing that I completed in like 5 minutes but I found them hilarious and made more. There's myself. Why I am a mermaid I have no idea, well I do I was with Jass and she told me to give myself a mermaid tail. So a mermaid I became! It was So Kawaii that I made it my facebook cover photo so that everyone could see the fabulousness. 
The last one is again of Jessie, but in a different pose. Still So Kawaii though. It is the same thing with all my paintings, pretty much everything is fucked up. But in my defence it is fucking difficult to draw using a messed up mousepad. 

Hope you enjoyed the drawings. Sorry I had nothing else to blog about, but hey this was an experience. See you in the 'morrow!

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