Saturday 25 January 2014

The Outside Adventure

I actually went outside today, of my own choice, on a weekend! I usually sit at home sleeping, playing MLP and watching youtube. But no today I went to the city to take photos for my media coursework with Jassums, Momo.
We agreed to meet at 2, so I could have a lay in cause sleep is needed in my life. But I also wanted to buy things and I don't like buying things when with people cause I don't want to make them wait or anything. My first stop though was Burger King, to see Aims in action and get me a coke. On my way I saw Stormtroopers, didn't get a picture though cause PEOPLE ARE DOUCHES! So after seeing Amy I went to Clinton's to get my sister a Birthday card and then Claire's (not my friend Claire) and got me some really cute nail polish. It is adorable. Then I thought I might as well head over to the meeting place 15 minutes early. 

However it was super crowded in Costa and I have a fear of large groups of people so I was like nope! and went and sat on a wall on my own doodling. My friends were late. But they got there and I went to go buy Jess a coffee cause I needed it in the pictures. Then we had issues cause I planned for it to be set outside costa but there was no room, so we went to the foodcourt. I was being very awkward cause I hate idea sharing and stuff. But we did it, and it was over in half an hour. But we decided to spend some more time together and wondered round the city. We went to the library, the Television and Movie store, Blott (Where I bought no rubbers! Who's proud of my willpower?) DisneyStore, HMV, Evolution, and Dr Martins. 

Pretty much the whole time everyone was being mean to me. Making Scott jokes and saying bourbons cause I always choke when someone even mentions bourbons. So I would shuffle away and they would catch up and trap me and annoy me more. :'( It was about 4 now and Jessie turned to me and told me that she didn't go in Aladdin's Cave today, and I was like WHAT? Cause guys, this store is amazing. It is pretty much a place of awesome things that are both old and new, kind of like a charity shop but way better. So we went there and spent almost an hour just looking around all the awesome stuff trying on hats, playing the instruments, and obsessing over teasets. Then we went in the 99p store where still people were mean and for some reason we all crouched down like frogs and hoped around. Then we decided it was time to head off with a group hug, and we went to get a bus. 

Then I was home. Playing yet more MLP. See you in the 'morrow!

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