Monday 6 January 2014

Blueness Overload

WOO! This is my 50th post yay, and I has received 1053 pageviews, that is incredible. So to celebrate my 50 posts of excellence I am going to be super lazy and not write anything new in this super weird bonus blog. However I assume prep for this is going to take me a lifetime. If you have read my blog before you know that I have this super cute format of writing in orange, but having random words, or sentences, in blue and in a bigger writing. This post I thought would be a good time to write a fucked up post just made up of all of these bluenesses (only the largest blue writing) and this introductory paragraph. So enjoy if you actually want to read it. You don't have to. But please do. If you want to know the context of each word, cause some of them are pretty weird, I guess you are going to have to read the other 49 posts, MWAHAHAHA

HI! Mad and a Little Bit Weird TEA SETS LIFE mum is just hilarious Panda. bugging me  constantly amazing world WELCOME TO MY WORLD! brilliant my extended family. Jessie  WABWA! mad like me  National Confectionery Advert changed my life Alicia  guru not afraid to be weird bunnies. Claire get used to it my Kangaraffe children Amy We are the Champions Emma adorable! makes the world a better place Giancarlo Momo Maddy she encourages it! Why not? Siobhan Kezia Paige Eddie Ellen George Scott Charlotte Lizzy Megan JOKES dirty things Totally Worth It! ;)  NO I DO NOT MEAN SEX AND STUFF LIKE THAT making mistakes FUCKING FRUSTRATING shit hits the fan baby proofing is it really any of his business? know your boundaries weird one "Really?!" OH WELL. therapy BUT I AM HAPPY FOR THEM UGH Thank God that's out there. subtle hint YOU SHOULD TRY IT! I WANT A FEZ SO BADLY :'( Sorry expect this don't be a dick levels of dickitude SIMPLE yo-yo love and live curious swiftly shizzle YOU CAN'T CHANGE ME COMPUTER! Anywho... good liddle muffin the wonderful Aims SHIZZLE! ARg SELFIES! laugh at the brilliance SHUT UP! bug WHY? NO JEEVES blue wig enjoy brilliant advice how to survive 6th form :/ subjects you enjoy cool friends Clive, Clark and Gregoravitch Jass fabulous! my chum A* BE ORGANISED I WANT TO SEEM STUPID! have fun deciding sarcasm madame annoying patch life-long war frustrating bad things I hate it complaining worrying me it's serious Damn rant fest' ALL  AHHHH! elfed myselfed pretend forget it   FRAAAAAAAAAAK MUSIC online frenzy amazingness EEK so much more all my moods Shame technically they are not bands because they do not play instruments! seriously? Macarena barbie girl Cotton Eye Joe Everybody likes music music huh 10 days old 200 page views! mini party dancing Thanks for stopping by! Love you  really awesome XD Warning: This post may include extreme cases of fangirling. best night of my life MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE Efah and Jass  "rock my hole" beard! random wall The Red Paintings R2D2 back pack running out of adjectives it's shocking die happy signed t-shirt.Steve Righ? genius GO! EEEEKKKKKK super happy I saw MSI, and MSI saw Me! Love you expanding! MATH!  psycholololology  rebels braped :'( WELL TOUGH! ONE DAY! watch her sleepAims'seses don't stop reading Do you have news? no-one reads this MAN 1ish weird dreams weird dreams LOVE HIM! HE IS SO FLUFFY Sherlock YAY! "Stairs are for Chumps" super special UGH Anyone else confuzzled? so weird day is not over future me ridiculous o'clock BOOM MAGIC! boring I almost blew away I look awful HEAVEN! Zak's Bitches be jealous! YUM!  bunch beautiful pair of docs worlds cutest little Adventure Time figures stepped foot Blott BUT THESE! super cute unicorn for free obsessive collection ironically hurt like fuck. freaked me out lollipop Hello again! We? I am ashamed Eehh. strange brought back memories :') so annoying sleep, eat, and watch Mama Scrolls through friends posts the magic has gone Pancake Day! I want   that fortunate Whoa youtube just amazing! started to cry! enjoy your day I guess slept ate and watched the Little Mermaid 1989! good blog unicornsoftherainbow us being well us screaming tickle Jessie bit more mad.  a land I can escape to Pewdiepie, Cryaotic, TheRPGMinx, LDShadowLady, Markiplier AmazingPhil, danisnotonfire, WatchUsLiveAndStuff, CutiePieMarzia, The Hillywood Show Honest Trailers Netty Scribble instantly happy non-stop one moment WHAT THE FUCK IS REBECCA BLACK UP TO!? Show us your patronus! kindhearted soul normal This is when it started badass over here! UGH deteriorating fun fact deep discussion skittles magic he is never nice to me The late bus!serenade each other dirty meanings love and stuff Girl all the bad guys want COPY IDEAS OFF FRIENDS TIME creepy. I did it, I did it, I did it, YAY! pre-written a lot do not apply to me NOOOOOOOOOOO! answer a bunch of questions tag! confuse your minds.DICK WHISTLE.  DEAL WITH IT WHAT THE FUCK? I have 569 pageviews thinggy magiggys IT WAS TCO DON'T JUDGE ME. Aren't they fabulous?  got distracted by Sherlock  I laugh at all of you enjoy HARRY POTTER going to post my post for today tomorrow. yaddayaddayadda pretend Enjoy! depending on my mood Burger Queen Amy Lish was cute, Claire was awkward and I was sexy  hostage in the post office went in BLOTT! squeals of random syllables The Koaceros and the Rhinola. SO DAMN CUTE! convenient but less fun Well done Elli. fell off the chair all over my fingers, my dress and even in my hair! MEH! snuggley warmth of my bed like a good little muffin  CHAMPS WHERE THE FUCK WAS MINE CONNOR!!!??? "I gots to know" OOOOH. whispered into her cheek "She's also pully" UGH, Twerkenstein, and Twig Bitch pointless a massive MEH. playing with my mind "What if?" "What would you do if you found out I was a transvestite?" so I'm stuck so I'm stuck I was abandoned Here's what went down: so pretty eat Santa's penis THE DAIRY MILK GAVE ME A STRIP TEASE! needs a bigger one I'm such a disgrace GREEN MACAROON RUBBER AAAKK. drew on my face. walking creepily BITCHES! ridiculous! I HAVE FORGOTTEN THE XMAS PRESSIES FOR MY FRIENDS ARg! Maddy is the bringer of friendscutest liddle teacup eating Maoams pulled me off my chair Small hands bring more pleasure. drugs are bad  go on the naughty step Clive just brutally attacked my nose.  KILL HER FOR REVENGE! "I'm probably going to choke on one of these today, and die" I saw RUTHY! She threw grapes at me drank some tea To prove I'm normal  Just thinking about him makes me smile I have too many flaws Not that I need therapy it sucks. I hate being rejected die I am extremely awkward  pretty hypocritical I'll be weirder tomorrow asbKHSGVFRBGYEDSASGJOLVFSDBABHJkbhjbhgvhjky! I am one month old! 743 page-views AMAZED! she forgot to press play a sing song We were outragedI felt awful :/  "look at that foam" grenade launcher Sherlock Momes BUT I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY! my lovely pals, and chums! interesting shizzle Bullying I just don't care. "Yay my life's goal is complete!" there is always someone who will listenElsley Miffin be weird together we were thrilled the most stupid reason everI moved on and found new friends I love you to pieces, slap myself round the face Stick up for others even if they don't ask for it. the Eve of Christmas Eve Eve of Christmas, There are time zones people! SERIOUSLY Nannie don't you know anything! a good Xmas Eve for us Nightmare Before Christmas,  have a good Christmas Eve! Christmas Day wonderful stuff MORIARTY! THANK YOU  my hands smell like potatoes. don't throw a Hissy Fit, I wish you all a very merry Christmas, have a great day. My Little Pony are we supposed to box each other? care to share  ice skating one fucked up thing  a free rubber out of the blue two hour nap screw you tooUGH a hoot and a half Ugh thinking, such a chore! indulging     myself in a fictional worlddreamland youtube land Game Bang crazy obsession game land Animal Crossing indulged in book land fangirlling crazy cat ladyI just love snuggling The Fault in our Stars It took me three attempts I told you I was bad at this. just beautiful cup of tea couldn't find Kevin  cutest little tea pot A froggywoggy and an adorable green hedgehog. push  over served by Aims fuck that betrayed my friends fangirlling over Sherlock I was right! Awkward WOOP WOOP! Warning: this is probably the longest blog post in history. Stemen? missed laser tag Nando's YUM! snow day It is a stupid celebration. Seriously it was. know where the line is!  found these glasses and hats, so put them on a took a selfie. I had the smarts IT WAS SHERLOCK GUYS! dizzy on this thingymabob. Prom yes we played rounders with a cricket bat, problem? the snuggle club  we are the Champions! used Twitter to express my feelings awkward third boob bunch or an awkward penis, Lazy town sneakily You may know some of the stuff Not all events are mentioned IT'S 2014! it probably is a shit novel, Wiggle your toes day Futurama PewPew gang bang fingering experience,  20 card UNO America FUCK YEAH! all across my cheek. Dress up like lunatics carrying around a pirate doll and a horn. toy motorbikes thingymagiggy Fuck you all in the Butt the derpish five DUn DUn DUn! The Shadow Realm strip UNO SUCK ON THAT BITCHES! wait for the scream snuggle party YMCA waiting for SHERLOCK liddle chums! SHERLOCK! who am I kidding, Warning: This post may include extreme cases of fangirlling, as well as spoilers! involved in a threesome. EEEEWKNLIBPEGNvadejqhb! DAMN YOU TO HELL! the eyeliner moustache. "Oh you Bastard" mind palace A woman! "Daddy's had enough now" what is the point die in dreamland I can't run for shit.   stop procrastinating I am so lazy  that will suck the certain guy absolutely nothing steal ideas from friends the big reveal Adventure Time! Not Going Out  How I Met Your Mother "Ted What's in a gin and tonic?!?"  Family Guy! look how gayly we run. Being Human I cried The IT Crowd Sherlock. I LOVE SHERLOCK Sup!   stop procrastinating excuses, excuses 1026 pageviews! what the fadoodle children! I gots Diddly Squat Enjoy! wasting your time. 
See you in the 'morrow!

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