Saturday 1 March 2014

The Wonderful World Of Television

OK! So today I am going out and will not be back until midnight so today you shall not get a blog about my day, you will get that tomorrow, instead today you will get a super fun prepared blog about random stuff. The chosen topic is related to the wonderful world of television.

Before you say anything I am not going to talk about TV shows or anything like that. No this is way less/more interesting (depending on how you look at things). I am going to talk about something I do a lot when watching Tv, and it is something I hope other people do as well cause I don't want to appear really crazy. I tend to talk to the Tv as if the characters can respond to me.

Yes I know that is weird, but in a blog post called Mad and a Little Bit Weird what more could you really expect. Mainly I talk to Tv characters during Hollyoaks. Yes I watch Hollyoaks. I mainly tell the characters how stupid they are and how much I hate them. Cause you know I'm such a lovely person. More and more I am talking to my Tv as if someone is listening, and I guess someone is as my parents can hear me. If I don't usually spend most of my time talking to myself they would assume I was crazy, however talking to myself anyway is crazy. Elli what exactly is your point here?

I really hope more people than just myself try to talk to the Tv when they disagree with something, or they have witnessed the return of one of their favourite characters and they ask "Did you miss me?" and you scream "Yes" at the television cause you genuinely did and you are so happy that they are going to come back but that probably isn't going to be for another two years and you are going to have to wait that long but you aren't that bothered FOR HE HAS RETURNED! 

And that was too far Elli. I guess I am going to leave it there cause I don't want someone here thinking I need serious professional help. Sorry I couldn't blog more but like I said I am busy later. See you in the 'morrow!

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