Friday 21 March 2014

Got To Get Down On Friday

!olleH for those of you who have the power that said Hello! So today I went to 6th form cause I missed my friends and thought I had to face my fears and actually go to the lessons. This was how it all went down. 

I got the bus and headed for school at the usual time meaning I was in the common room when it was practically empty 40 minutes before we had to be there. So what did I do? I made my coat into a cushion and laid down trying to take a nap. Then Jessie arrived so we spoke with Hal about Polly Pockets and the kind of ones we used to own. Whilst this happened Aims, Charlotte, Lish and the others slowly arrived and we were still talking about barbies, my scenes and polly pockets. This then got into the dark side of barbie dolls like Tanerecsic barbie. Who doesn't want that as a toy? 

After this the bell went and I headed for psychology with Momo and Clive, Maddy should have been with us but she was running late. In psychology we had to take a test using notes I had not prepared. Following this test we were given back our mocks. It turns out I was one mark away from a D so I ran out of the room and cried, cause I felt like I could have failed less if I just got that one fucking mark! UGH! 
 I can't remember much about break so lets move on to MEDIA! All we did in media was watching old remakes of the film Dracula. I loved the one we watched all the way through it was so fucking funny. For example the reactions to the death of his sister was just amazing. Jessie and I kept reinacting it to each other. Then we kept getting frustrated at the maid cause she was just so useless. DAMN IT GERDA!

This was shortly followed by mentor where I was scared sir was going to moan at me for my bad mock grades, luckily he didn't so phew! Next I was supposed to have Biology but our teacher wasn't there so we were meant to go to the study centre but I wasn't in the mood to do the work at that point in time as I felt I would have worked better at home, so Ems and I sat in the common room where we talked about who we'd nominate for the No Make Up selfie in support for Cancer Research. Then twenty minutes before the end of the lesson Mr Tailor complained and forced us to go to the study centre which was pointless. Ugh. 

So after school I went to the city with my sister and had a Nando's YUM! Man that was good. Anywho see you in the 'morrow! 

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