Sunday 9 March 2014


Man I need to get a more interesting life, cause it is really affecting my blog posts. So if you may or may not have noticed my blog has had a bit of a change in look, cause the old style was getting well old. Besides, it's a muffin with a moustache and monocle it's pretty damn sexy. Ok I am going to talk about change cause it is really the only logical way to continue.

After reading a blog post of Lish's about feeling comfortable in your own skin is also got me thinking I need to change in that respect. Because I really hate the way I look, but I am too lazy to do anything about it. So I need to either change the laziness and physically do something so I no longer look the way I hate, or I need to start telling myself I look fine and just embrace it. I really need to start making a change in the world of Elli. 

Change like this is good, but most of the time I don't like change. I mean I hate how I rarely see some of my friends anymore because we have moved on in what we are doing with our lives. In some cases I have gotten used to it, but looking back it kind of sucks. I get really worried now thinking that when 6th form is over I am probably eventually going to lose contact with those who move away to go to Uni. 

Sorry about not writing about my days for a while. It's just nothing that interesting has happened. Hopefully all should be back to normal soon. See you in the 'morrow!

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