Monday 3 March 2014

Folders, Graphs and Funny Stories.

Hello fellow earthlings. Today was a full day at 6th form. UGH. But I did not mind for it was a pretty good day. So yeah lets just crack on with it. 

First I had Private Study with Lish and Jessie, where we completed work for the super pointless conference presentation. However, when I saved the work I realised something. I somehow was logged into someone else's computer, they must have left it logged in all weekend or something. But Jass and I being the delightful people we are didn't just log off, no, we made a folder and put stuff in there. This folder was entitled: Paint Me Like One Of Them French Girls, and inside we placed the stranger photos of Jessie, Eddie, Myself and Cats. Cause Cats. And we informed them of this and they were not amused. Which made it funnier.

So after the hour was up Jass and I went to Media with Champs where I found out I might get an A for my coursework which I was all happy about, and then some other stuff happened. Right before the end of the lesson I had to ask sir a question concerning our coursework so I put up my hand and he asked if I was ok and I said "hello" then asked my question, and ever since Jessie has been making fun of me. After this was break. I can never remember break.

Then more private study with Lish, Aims and Claire. We were sending notes to each other, and then we stopped. I really spent most of my time with Amy watching her draw some beautiful graphs. Seriously these graphs. They were for her maths and I said she should draw on them to help her remember the names, There was dropped ice cream with a sad face for negative skews, and rollercoaster for positive skews , a unicycle university for unimodal graphs, a tie for a uniform graph, a bicycle riding over two hills for a bimodal graph. Aims how can I remember this, I don't even take maths! Then they were two venn diagrams. One was of Paige and James and the other were penguins. All completely adorable.

After this was supposed to be conference, but it was cancelled. So Lish, Jessie, Connor and I just sat in the common de room until Lunch where more people arrived. I can't remember much, but there was a lot of wordsearch stuff.

Once lunch ended I had double biology with Emily. Which was hilarious. Because we had Quackers who always makes up stories to help us remember things, and today to help us remember DNA replication she told us a story about Emily going to a nightclub naked but wearing a onesie. It lead to her being unzipped, exposed and groped. Poor Emily. All I did was sit there laughing. 

That was pretty much my day. Dodododo. See you in the 'morrow!

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