Thursday 27 March 2014

Another Seemingly Pointless Post...

Hiya! Another day another seemingly pointless blog post. Today I realised something. I realised that I am happy. Which in terms of my blog can be seen as a bad thing. Why? Well I feel I tend to write more when I complain about things, I go on ranting my feelings and that just fills up the online page with words. But now I am happy, so there are no rants, which means less content. So sorry about that. However I did just rant slightly about how I don't rant about things, so yeah...Let's move on.

This morning I overslept missing my morning bus, and had to get my mum to take me into school. Which wasn't so bad as I didn't have to walk down Middleton's lane, and I met with two of the triplets on the way, and we talked about mornings and their annoyances. When I got in only Jessie was there and we talked about her art exam. Then I went to 2 hours of private study completing work. 

After this was break, and um...WHY CAN I NEVER REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENS AT BREAK?! I should write it down. Ugh. Anywho, next was double psychology with the usual suspects, and we were learning about conformity. Then we went to the shop and I got some Maoam and a lolly then we went back to psychology and Claire and I kept making such inappropriate remarks about the lollys. It was pretty funny.

Then it was lunch and I stayed with peeps even though I didn't need to. We also spent like 15 minutes trying to guess which middle school Amy went to, it got to the point where Hal and I googled schools on Norfolk and read out long lists until she answered. Finally she told us. Woodview? If that's wrong I feel I will never hear the end of it.

So I went home after this and walked in the rain to the bus stop and waited in the rain for the bus, and got home and snuggled up in PJs and a blanket. Then after some TV Watching, eating, youtubing and facebooking, we end up here. See you in the 'morrow!

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