Sunday 16 March 2014

For Just One Yesterday...

Hello! Hello! Hello! That was supposed to represent an echo by the way. Because I got back late last night I had no time to talk about my day. So I'm going to blog about it today. 

My friends and I made a plan to go bowling, and at first everyone was like I can't make it, which made me cry cause I thought they were all going to have sexy fun times without me. But in the end I managed to find 7 other friends to join me in a joyous game. I got the 1:12 bus and met Lish on there, we were texting people to make sure when and how they were getting places. Then we went to the food court and found Siobhan and Scott, we went inside and got in line for Amy to serve us, but we lucked out and moved out of the line and tried again. AND WE STILL DIDN'T GET AMY! But we just ordered anyway and moaned at Aims from another till. 

So we sat in the food court for a bit, and was joined by Giancarlo. Then walked to Riverside. We had some kind of buddy system it was great. Until Scott and Giancarlo started having a lovers tiff. When we got there we met Paige and Emma. It turns out we had to wait 40 minutes for a lane so we just played on some games in the arcade. Then we sat on some chairs and I got molested for stealing a pound coin off Scott. 

ON TO THE BOWLING! I was a complete failure at this. But I didn't come last. It was a good time. I remember: Giancarlo was being a dinosaur and had 60 Thors, Siobhan somehow had about 10 cards for multiple occasions, Paige kept moaning at me for moving in her way, Emma galloping before she threw the ball, Lish actually being good at bowling, Yeah, it was pretty good. 

After this Siobhan parted ways and the rest of us returned to Burger King cause some of us were hungry. This time when we stood in the queue we were asked by someone else (His name was Jordan) if we wanted help, and I was like "No we want Amy" and Aims is what we got. I felt bad cause people kept confusing her with the order, they just kept adding things. SORRY AIMS! So we sat in the food court eating and drinking.

Now it was verging on half 5 and I had to get the bus, but then Em was all like but Aims (she didn't call her Aims though) is now finishing so we waited for her and missed my bus. Luckily we got back in a reasonable time. We had to get a separate bus to the others though. 

Well that was my yesterday, and now I have written the word yesterday I have a Fall Out Boy song in my head. THANKS BRAIN! Anywho... See you in the 'morrow!

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