Wednesday 26 March 2014

The Good Samaritan

Hey! Day 127 in the Mad and a Little Bit Weird World and today I did a good deed, but we'll get to that later. Until then enjoy the wonderful account of my day.

To start of I was on the bus with Emma and we spoke about some stuff and we got to school and she left me in the common room to go finish some work. So I sat with Hal and we were bitching about people. More people then turned up and we talked and shizzle. Then I left to go to private study where I completed some notes for psychology and some editing for media. After this I was briefly joined by Claire who moaned at me for not replying to texts I didn't know I had. 

Break next and Jessie spent the whole time sitting on my lap. This wasn't that interesting so lets go back to private study talking about Green Day and how awesome Billie Joe Armstrong's hair is. After this was lunch where I was flirting with everyone.

Next I had media and we watched this super weird film. The Wicker Man. If you have seen this please agree with me it is messed up. It got really pornographic at one stage and it was just awkward. So then Media was over and I met Clive to ge the late bus. It arrived and it was a minibus which could only sit like 14 people and there was like 20 of us. 

So Claire and I decided to be such good samaritans and give up the seats we had (cause we got there like first) and went and got the public bus. IN THE COLD! The late bus driver called us sweethearts :') We spent the whole walk to the bus stop telling people what good people we were. Then started thinking about how we could be in the paper, then how famous we would be if our sacrifice led to our death. 

Then I was home. So yeah. See you in the 'morrow!

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