Saturday 8 March 2014

Love Is All You Need

What to blog about today? My days aren't that interesting anymore so I can't write about those. You shall be pleased to hear I can find no more question tags so that is out of the picture, so there isn't really anything left I can do. Therefore I am going to show you this video, which should definitely be watched. It's only about 19 minutes long so don't be all Aargggh about it. 
This is a short film, called love is all you need, about what the world would be like if being straight was the "bad thing" and I personally think it is really powerful. Because it shouldn't matter if you are gay or straight or bi, love is love. They mention how God is the reason behind thinking that being one thing is wrong and it's like, seriously? God is all loving so why should he be against it. Why would he hate on those who love someone of the same sex. Just saying? 
But not only that the important part is the effect bullying has on people. I know it is mainly showing homophobic bullying but if you think about it, the effects are the same for any kinds of bullying. That is what sucks about the world. The fact that we let this kind of hatred for people who can't help the way they are get so far it ends a life. It is disgusting. I don't understand why some people can't be accepted by everyone, I mean I understand that you can't like everyone and they all can't like you but it should be a better reason than, because you are gay, or straight, or fat, or thin, or black, or white, or whatever. 

Wow that was very umm different. Serious Elli is not a fun one, but these things have to be said and shared. Bullying is fucked up and no-one should go through that. So yeah. See you in the 'morrow!

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