Tuesday 4 March 2014

Feelings Suck...

So this is a blog about me venting my feelings, cause I am a little frustrated right now. I apologise if it is not very interesting or if I go a bit too crazy, but I just need to get rid of these feelings because they are really agitating and pretty much everything is bugging me which isn't a good feeling. Literally seconds after writing that I have gotten really pissed off just by talking to people on facebook. I don't want to be pissed off with them, but I am. This calls for massive rant time. You don't have to read this if you don't want to.

I'm not 100% sure why I am even feeling like this. I think it's the pressures of life. They are just getting to me. So Elli if you are not 100% sure why you are feeling like this what exactly are you going to rant about to make yourself feel better. That is an excellent point. 

Sidenote: Just read what I have written so far and have used the word feel or feelings a lot. Maybe it should be some kind of drinking game. Take a shot every time I say feel or any word like that.

I also think that my slight hatred for myself does not help. I mean there are things I love about myself, but the things I hate just overbalance and it gets kind of nasty. Apparently everyone gets like this at some point in their life, so that makes me feel a bit better..ish. Now I know my friends are going to read this and be all like you are awesome to try and make me feel better. It wont. But thanks I guess. 

Ugh. Ok this is no longer helping I am going to give up and sleep it off. Hopefully all will be better. See you in the 'morrow!

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