Wednesday 5 March 2014

Ash Wednesday

Today is as usual the super fun day of 4 hours of Private study followed by a double Media sesh. Boring I know, but today was actually a lot of fun. 

So I got into school at the joyous time of 7:50 alone quietly waiting for people to arrive and keep me company. Eventually they arrived and Lish, Claire and I headed off to the first of the fun PS's. At first Claire and I worked making a super fun psychology crossword. But when that was finished Lish and Claire were reading and I was sat in between them like, ok... Claire couldn't read though cause I was distracting her with my Awesomeness. (I'm not vain or anything). So we spoke about what we'd give up for lent. Cause it's Ash Wednesday. So we bounced some ideas around like Sherlock, and our favourite bands. Then I turned to Claire and said she should give up Coke. Then she said I should give up Winking. This turned into us giving up cock and wanking for lent. Yes how normal.

Then was break and we were telling people about what we had given up for lent. They weren't too pleased. After this I went back to more PS with Lish and Jessie. It was pretty amusing even though they kept typing Ass on my work. However I suppose it was payback. Then most of the time was spent meowing . So that was a pretty good 2 hours.

After this was lunch. I don't remember a lot of lunch apart from the fact I was lying on Jessie and we had a conversation about boobs. As you do. I also remember being very creeped out by a conversation. This was followed by double media where we were editing footage and we found bloopers and they were funny and that was pretty much my day.

This was a shorter blog than usual, but I like it cause it means less work for me, and less reading for you. EVERYBODY BENEFITS! So yeah, see you in the 'morrow!

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