Tuesday 25 March 2014

Abandoned and Laughing...


Wow I need new greetings if I gone to baby talk. Well nonetheless lets get on with talking about my day. 

So I had a nice lie in and went to school in time for break where I sat with my friends and I remember laughing but can't remember why. 

Moving on! I had biology where I was abandoned by Emily so had to sit alone. :( It was pretty funny when our teacher was trying to find out gossip about people in our year, oh miss Q.

After this was loonch time, yeah I spelt lunch like that. And I was abandoned by various people going to the chip shop. But when they returned I aggressively hugged Claire 3 times.
This was followed by psychology with the normal people. It was pretty funny cause someone left the class and our teacher tried to lock him out but realised she couldn't lock the door from the inside. Then she decided to hide his helmet in a draw. When he tried to find it she started playing hot or cold with him. Claire, Maddy and I laughed like crazy.

Then I went home on the late bus with Claire and Amy where we spoke about my quest to befriend Manager Guy and Burger King. 

So overall a pretty good day. I decided to change up my post technique like writing smaller posts, trying to make it interesting but not tedious. Cause I often find when reading lots of writing I get bored so yeah. Hope you liked this, it will probably just go back to usual in a couple of days. See you in the 'morrow!

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