Friday 7 March 2014

The Job Hunt

Ok, so I'm a teen who wants a social life, therefore I am going to need money. Hence why I need a job. For a while I have been searching but recently I have been reluctant to because I thought trying to juggle work and school would stress me out. But now I really want some money, so the hunt continues!

Thus far in my quest I have only had one interview. So I feel it might have something to do with my CV so I have updated it using tips from the tinterweb, lets hope the tinterweb isn't out to set me up for failure. But I think the interview went ok and they never said why I didn't get it so I am just like..."What did I do wrong?" cause if I don't know I can't improve. But my CV has been updated and my online quest begins a new.

However, I seem to have the same problem all the time. THERE NEVER SEEMS TO BE ANY VACANCIES? Ugh. It is the most frustrating thing ever. I go through loads of different stores and nothing. It really bugs me. The amount of places I have to go through to only end up with nothing is also part of the reason I slightly gave up searching, cause it is just too much hassel for minimum results.

As I had predicted the search did not go so well. I found a vacancy at Build-A-Bear so applied there hoping they will finally accept me. I mean I would get to build bears, I would be living the dream. I also love the puns in their emails about pawsitions and obeartunities. They are so cute! Hopefully they will at least consider me for an interview. 

That is really all for this blog post. I thought I would write something different, and it failed. Sorry I shall never do this again. Well uh...See you in the 'morrow!

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