Sunday 2 March 2014

The Events Of Yesterday

Well hello. Today I am going to blog about the events of yesterday. If I miss anything out I am sorry but it was yesterday and I forget some things. Deal with it. 

Claire turned to me on Friday saying that she was meeting up with Paige, and I was like OMC Paige! Cause Paige goes to college I rarely see her so I jumped at the chance. 

So I met up with Lish, Claire and Paige in the food court in Chapelfield and was presented with Skittles. Always a great start. But because of the news that has recently been shared I wasn't really looking forward to this day, apart from seeing Paige. Basically all we did was wander around aimlessly going in random stores. Eventually we ended up in the food court, seeing our little Amy at work. And that is pretty much all we did for the next couple of hours. Sit in the food court staring at Amy. At first it was just while we were deciding what to do before I had to go, but then it got interesting. All of a sudden Amy's colleagues started talking about us, we could tell cause we saw the Manager Guy (He might not actually be the manager but that's how we referred to him) talk to Amy, her looking over at us and go yeah they are. After this they started laughing at us and we were laughing at them. We gave the main ones nicknames like: Manager Guy, and The Starer. But then we were randomly introduced to Andy, WHY? I don't know. It was rather funny though cause I waved to a bunch of them and they waved back. 

Then right as I was about to leave there was this whole thing about this other guy called Jordan wanted Claire's number and she was getting all embarrassed. AND I HAD TO LEAVE! ARG! I always have to leave as something interesting happens. I found out through sources that the whole thing was a joke, and it was a pretty mean joke since Claire thought this was real. Poor Clive. I still love you. As well as this Paige just kept talking about her bottle and hitting people with it, she formed a strange attachment to the thing. 

So as I said I had to leave, and headed to the bus stop where I ran into George Porge, another friend of mine who went to college so I rarely see him anymore. We spoke a bit about how we are and he told me that I have changed since last year. This kind of upset me cause I didn't really want to change that much, and I still don't. So I was thinking about this all on the bus ride.

Not much happened today so yeah. See you in the 'morrow!

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