7. The Joker. Whenever you think of a villain the Joker has to be there. He just has to. Not only is he crazy, he is hilarious. Mainly because he is crazy. I mean just look at that face of insanity it is just brilliant. Lets not forget his awesome catchphrase as well. "Why so serious?" it's perfect, now I am reminded of a song by paint. Despite this there are more Villains I prefer.
6. Next in the list would have the be He Who Shall Not Be Named. But I'm not afraid so I shall name him. It's Voldemort. Pretty much like everyone in this list I find him funny, but this is more of an awkward funny. Like when he tries to give Draco a hug. Voldemort also provides me with my favourite line from all of the Harry Potter films. "I can touch you now" all because it is completely inappropriate and it is followed by a bunch of awkward noises from both him and Harry. If you don't believe me go watch it yourself.
4. In this instance I prefer the Villain to the hero, I mean what it so great about Thor when there is Loki. Oh my god Loki is just so awesome. I don't see why people prefer Thor to Loki. Seriously in The Avengers when he caught that arrow I was like uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh. Even though it blew up in his face. That alone is why he is in this list.
stuff and how he uses it to murder people and cause chaos is just amazing. He is also that perfect piece of crazy. He got shot in the face and stitched it up himself. I admit it was a little bit EWW NO DON'T DO THAT. But the fact that he did made it kind of awesome in terms of crazy. His death was too easy for his brilliance. Hence why I believe he isn't really dead.
2. Now Him has been one of my favourites since childhood. If you are not aware of who Him is he was in The Powerpuff Girls, and was awesome. Not only because he was this lobster creature who had a feather boa and wore hooker boots, he was just insanely funny and creepy all at the same time. "Wait Wait Come Back I'll Make My FlapJacks Cheaper!" Pure genius.
checked. Of course Moriarty is my favourite Villain. I mean come on, he has everything. Looks, craziness, campness and an Irish accent. Moriarty as portrayed in BBC Sherlock. Obviously. Just has it all. I mean only a legend can shoot himself in the head and live. I was so happy AAKK. I'm going to stop talking about Moriarty if not I am going to start complaining about how I have to wait to see him again. However I have DVD's and a T-shirt with his face on it so really I can see him whenever I want.
Well that was my top 7 villains, maybe I should do heros next. It's only logical. Well I guess there is nothing more to say than, see you in the 'morrow!
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