Wednesday 12 March 2014

Wonderfully Weird Wednesday

Hi, man how many times have I greeted you over the months? So many friggen times. But I feel rude if I don't in some way welcome you to the daily post. Well now you have been welcomed I am obviously going to blog about my very weird day. 

First off I got on the bus and sat with Emma and we were talking about things I can't remember cause it was like 14 hours ago and I pretty much have the memory of a goldfish. But we walked to 6th form and sat around talking to the gradual increase in people. Then I had two hours of Private study where I did some work and then chilled for a bit. This was followed by break where I sat with Jessie witnessing the lack of people because they had all abandoned us for no good reason. So Jessie and I got bored and headed to private study.

Where things got majorly weird. I was greeted by Tom, with a hug. It was the most awkward hug I have ever had. It was like the hug in Harry Potter between Draco and Voldemort. I was just standing there as he hugged me then I patted him once on the back as if to say "ok get off me now". It was just WHY? Apparently it is because he is accepting me into his friend group. I'd be happy with this if he didn't hug me. For the rest of Private Study I was making origami until New Jan was all you have to do something productive. HOW IS ORIGAMI NOT PRODUCTIVE? so I just got out some biology stuff and pretended to revise.  

This was all over and it was Lunchtime where people returned! Some went home cause they could but I sat in the extremely quite common room, with the gang of awesomeness. We played with some Bendy pencils (Which Mads gave me :') ) It was dubbed my penis. Just cause. Then we played with a balloon. Jessie kept pinging it at me so I was like I shall catch this in my mouth and then I failed the first two times (due to her aim) then I caught it and was like Why was no-one filming that?! So we tried filming but I never made the shot again. Sad times. (Sorry Aims for stealing your catchphrase but it fits!) Then pretty much lunch was over.

OFF TO MEDIA! Where pretty much all Jessie and I did was sit there making music sound funny by speeding it up or slowing it down. I know so productive. But it was pretty hilarious. Then I got on the late bus with Claire and we had some fun conversations.

So that was my pretty weird day. Hopefully tomorrow is also weird :D I don't know why I added a random smiley face either. Umm...ok...See you in the 'morrow!

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