Friday 28 March 2014

The Fried Brain...

Hi Guys, I am really sorry but my brain is just fried today. I can't remember enough about what I did in order to write an interesting blog, so I decided to answer some questions instead. Yes I know there are still more question tags! Really sorry, but hey maybe you can waste some time :)
1. What do you plan on doing with your life a decade from now? I don't really make future plans, because I have no idea what will happen. But I would like to have a job, and a house with my friend Jessie, at least. 
2. Do you support abortion? Yes or No? Give your reasons. I believe it is wrong to kill something that doesn't have a say in it, a fetus in my mind is still a living conscience, and even though there are no memories or official feelings I believe it is wrong to just take that life away.  
3. Do you support euthanasia? Yes or No? Give your reasons. I kind of do, because if the person who you are helping is absolutely sure it is what they want, I see nothing wrong with helping them relieve the pain. Cause no-one really deserves to be in pain.
4. Would you rather go back in time or remain where you are in terms of the time of your life? Well if I could go back in time there are a lot of things I would change to make others happy and to make better decisions, but I feel if I do that then my life now would change, and I love my life the way it is, sure there are things I wish wouldn't be there but I am happy, so I'll just stay here.
5. Do you like the school you're going to? Yes or No? Give your reasons. I kind of do and I kind of don't. I like the fact that my friends are here and some of the teachers are hilarious, but on the other hand some of their rules are just ridiculous and some of the teachers are just WHY? 
6. Who was your favourite Disney princess as a child? Ariel, she still is. However Mulan is a very close second.
7. How do you manage your finances? What do you normally spend it on? And what would you do with your savings for the future? I tend to be given money for things I need, like clothes or social time, or food. In the future I would save money for future children so they could have a good life and stuff.
8. Do you still live with your folks? Yes, but I am 16 so it is slightly more acceptable than if I was in my 40's or something. 
9. What do you crave for for desserts? Usually Ice Cream. You can never go wrong with Ice Cream.
10. Who are your style icons? I don't really have any. 
11. Would you rather die by fire or by ice? hmmm...I'd say ice cause then my body would be preserved and could be used for science and stuff, fire would just cause to much damage.
12. Do you believe in an afterlife? I believe that there is still life after death yes, just not in a heaven or hell kind of way.
13. What do you fear most about death? Leaving people behind.
14. Favourite countries and cities in the world. England (duh) Japan, Wales, Ireland, Russia, not many others. Can't be bothered to name cities.
15. Extrovert or Introvert? A combination of both, probably more extrovert once I am comfortable with those I am around.
16. Do you own any pets? Yes my adorabubble little kitty Sebastian.
17. Last movie you watched? Did you enjoy it? The Wicker Man and not really it was just weird.
18. Where do you normally shop for clothes? Primark!
19. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My nanny :)
20. Favourite TV shows? Sherlock, The IT Crowd, Being Human, Family Guy, How I Met your Mother, Not Going Out and Adventure Time, there are more these are just the Magnificent 7 ;)

So yeah, sorry about writing another Tag post, if you expect tomorrow to change, you might not have so much luck. :/ Well see you in the 'morrow!

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