Tuesday 11 March 2014

Another Delightful Day At 6th Form...

Howdy! I don't know why I just became a cowboy. But it stays. So today was another delightful day at 6th form. I didn't have to be in until 10:50 today, but I went in a little earlier to print off some work for Quakers, she didn't even look at it :'( I'm not too bothered cause I spent 20 minutes talking to Siobhan, which I rarely get to do cause I rarely see her. It was nice. Then Tom joined us. And it was weird. He was being nice to me, and he is never nice to me. 

Then it was break time and the others arrived and I really don't remember much that happened apart me and Jessie being all adorable. I said I'd be ill for her and we were just pulling adorably weird faces at each other. But this was over and I headed to Biology with Emily where we learnt some stuff. Wow shocker. 

After this was lunch where I spoke to Aims and Momo. Most of the time was spent with Giancarlo mimicking the way I say everything is "So Cute". Then Claire and Lish and Siobhan returned with chips and I had some of Claire's and started eating them seductively. Can't remember much else. So lets just move on to the events of Psychology

In psychology I  was laughing with Claire about when she measured herself ;) I went into dolphin mode.

Then that was all over and Claire and I were on the late bus. We were discussing Bases a lot of the time. what are the bases again? It was pretty funny but a lot of the stuff we spoke about was too dirty for this blog. Sorry :/

In other news Claire and I got engaged. She has a ring that says "Elli's Bitch <3" on it. So yeah. That was my day. See you in the 'morrow!

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