Sunday 23 March 2014

A Pretty Awesome Day

Why, Hi! I don't know why I greeted you like that but it rhymed so it stays. Todays post is going to be about the events of yesterday. OOOOOH! Yeah prepare yourself for the magic. It wasn't that magical, well some parts were. Let's just get on with it. 

So on Wednesday? Yeah Wednesday my friend Eddie asked Jass, and me if we wanted to go bowling. So we agreed and thus came yesterday. I was really tempted to write yesteryear then. What is wrong with you brain? Anywho, so we had planned to meet at the bowling place at 1. Therefore I got the 12:12 bus to ensure I was there on time. 

The two ughmehs (I don't know why I called them that either) arrived 40 minutes late. It got to the point I called Jessie's mum to see if they actually left the house. Which they had, so it was just them being all late and such. But when they arrived we had a game of extreme air hockey,I won! Then we had a game of bowling, where we used the support thing and kept almost breaking the bumpers. I even managed to throw the ball backwards. Only me. 

After this we decided to spend some time in the arcade. We played Pac-Man, this flashy light thing, basketball, and dance mat. Then we started going on machines that gave us tickets. Jessie went on this weird ball drop thing and started winning a lot, then I went on Deal or No Deal.  I chose box 15 and stuck with box 15 and won the maximum 100 tickets. Fuck Yeah. So we counted the tickets and we won 192. We then started trying more things, like this weird coin thing, and Pac-man again, and we won another 250+ tickets. Then we found our game. The Wheel or greatness. At first we spun and kept getting like 3 tickets, then a miracle. Eddie jump spun and got the bonus, of 500 tickets! Then 5 minutes later I spun it and we won the bonus again! It was like WHOA! Overall we won like 1,800 and something tickets. We are going to save up to get something cool. 

When this was over, we went to burger king and shared to good news with Amy. Then we sat at a table playing with a penny. After this we wandered round the city and saw this guy dressed up as a tap and these girls dressed as toilets, and we started making puns like "I'd tap that" and mine was "well they can handle that shit" we donated some money to the charity cause we aren't heartless bitches then I asked if I could have his tap hat when he was finished with it. Then I realised it was a cold tap and no longer wanted it. 

Then I came home ate some flapjack and went to bed. A pretty awesome day.  The luck though was incredible I wanted to go get a lottery ticket. Should have taken that opportunity. DAMMIT! See you in the 'morrow!

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