Tuesday 18 March 2014


Hi there! Today I went to 6th form and had psychology and not a lot of shit really happened, so yeah. What to blog about? Therefore I decided to write a blog about things I fear cause I am really dreading tomorrow. 

Why am I scared of tomorrow, you might ask. Well we are getting the results to our mock results. And I am very scared for them. I think I did ok but as it is getting closer I am really panicking that I am going to open the envelope and see I have failed them all. I hate failing unless I chose to fail. Cause I just feel completely useless and stuff and it isn't good.

Another thing I get scared of is rejection, which I mention a lot on here. I mainly hate it when people don't like me when they don't even know me, cause they are just making assumptions. That sucks the most. Cause if you don't know who I am how do you know you hate me. It makes no logical sense. If you get to know me and then realise you hate me that is fine, cause you have a completely legit reason.

I also fear public speaking. This is really bad cause I am like they are all secretly judging me and I hate that. So I either shutdown or start laughing. They are forcing us to do presentations in conference for no good reason and I hate it. They say it is for interview practice, well I've had interviews so am comfortable with them, not this. This is a handful of nope.

My other fears are things like spiders, clowns and height, they just scare the bejeebus out of me. But yeah. Sorry about the weird post I just have nothing else to say and the day is running out. So yeah. See you in the 'morrow!

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