Friday 28 February 2014

I Have No Idea...

Why we had to go into 6th form today I have no idea, but I had a good day so I'm not too bothered. I had a lie in and looked at the results of dying my hair yesterday and it looked ok, besides everyone was telling me it looked great, but you can't deny the awkward bright pink bit looks well awkward. Then I headed to 6th form and was presented with free cake. Who can refuse free cake?

I had lemon drizzle, however it was more lets make one half so lemony you die. I ate all I could then gave the rest to Jass who braved the extreme lemonyness. And according to my computer lemonyness is actually a word. Who knew? After this I went to Media with Jessie and it was so funny. I can't remember everything but Champs is just hilarious. 

After this was lunch which felt like it was going on forever. We spoke a lot about books and films based on them and stuff. This was followed by a single psychology. Where Claire and I were talking about tasering people, cause she refused to let me stab them, slice them or cut of fingers. Claire takes the fun out of everything. Love you really Claire. As well as this people were making Scott jokes towards me. Which really pisses me off to the point I want to kill myself, or anybody. And they won't stop, for they are douches. 

So once the hour was up I waited for the late bus with Claire and Emily. It started off with taking a personality quiz based on Tim Burton Characters, Claire was Jack Skellington, Em was the martians and I was Beetlejuice. My favourite question was Do you crossdress? Cause why the fuck not? 

That is all for today, see you in the morrow!

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