Friday 14 March 2014

A Fun Friday...

Hey guys, let's just cut the bullshit and go straight into the blog about my day.

I woke up about about 9 and watched some TV before going to get the bus. After this I had double media with Jessie where I just made bloopers instead of actually working on coursework. I was also talking to Lish through most of it. It was a pretty funny lesson. Especially when at one point Jessie thought my shoe was a person (like a little mini Armstrong) and we laughed non-stop for like 10 minutes. It was good.

Then is was Lunch and the gang of ragtag awesomeness seemed to have dominated the common room. We spoke about our plans to go bowling tomorrow as well as some other random things. Then Thompson walked in to give an announcement which I had heard for the third(ha rhyme)time. It was about voting for this youth thingymawho and I had previously voted for it so couldn't vote again. But I turned to Kez who was now about to vote and said, what if you just text vote for yourself, would it count? And she wanted to try it but not with Herself. But then Hariette decided to do it with herself as part of her world domination plan. And it worked, so I convinced to others to vote for Hal. I doubt she'd win though, shame.

Lunch was followed by a single lesson of psychology with peeps and practically did nothing, but find out a secret I told one of my friends got shared to another one of my friends. So being slightly mad I shared a secret too. Looking back it was a little bitchy but they weren't massive secrets or anything. And it was to one person who is mutual friends so it is ok. I hope. Walked to the bus after this, had to wait half an hour for a bus. Hal joined and was embarrassing me. UGH! It was not good.

So that was all for my day. It was fun. Yeah. See you in the 'morrow!

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