Sunday 30 March 2014

Mother's Day

So to all the mother's out there, Happy Mother's Day! However I feel like you should appreciate your mother everyday, instead of on this one occasion, because she is the woman that gave you life, and made you the person you are today. So stop being a dick and make her feel special everyday. I try to. Love you mum x (even though you don't read my blog)

But since it is mother's day I decided to dedicate today's post to my wonderful
mother. The book obsessed, embarrassing, smoker, who tends to only watch tv shows because she finds a guy in it attractive, is someone I am never ashamed to say I am related to. Unless she starts talking about how she likes Bruno Mars and Nickelback, in which case, mother I no longer know you. 

My mum is the obvious caring mother who always knows when I am not feeling right, and then annoyingly always has the right answers, but she is also the extremely embarrassing mum. Luckily I have an older sibling who gets more embarrassed so I tend to miss out on the annoyance of my mother, but I shall share this story of how she embarrassed my sister at the cinema.

Basically Hal promised to see the 2nd St Trinians film with me, but didn't because she was seeing the film with her friends, so mum offered to take me (mainly cause David Tennant was in it, and everytime he appeared on screen she nudged me and went "It's David Tennant" and I was like I know mum I have eyes!) Anyway, mum took me to see the film at the exact same time as Hal went, and at the exact same cinema. So when the film was over mum ran (figuratively my mum isn't much of a runner) over to Hariette hugging her and saying "Don't worry mummy loves you" and just walks off. Yeah my mum is awesome. She is also obsessed with saying the word Panda, just thought I should tell you that. 

There are many other things I can tell you about my mum but I don't have the time. She is just my mad, amazing mother who I would not be able to live without. So that was a brief insight into the woman who made me who I am, so you should all be thanking her. Unless you don't like me in which case, don't hate on her cause she is wonderful. Anywho Happy Mother's Day to all. I shall see you in the 'morrow!

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