Monday 10 March 2014

A Pretty Good Monday

Yeah! I'm blogging about my days again! Unless you all secretly hate that. Meh, deal with it. So today I only had two lessons at 6th form so I got to have a nice lay in. Got to school for break time and sat with the peeps and was given free cake! It was nice but then I remembered it was cause Jan was leaving us and I was all NOPE! But still ate the cake cause come on, it's cake!

After this I went to biology with Emily, and it was pretty good. We did a lot of practical work. At the start we were just messing about with baby oil, water, food colouring and these weird tablety thingies and it was so cool cause in the oil the food colouring would stay in blobs and would wobble around it was really funny. However I now have red food colouring on my thumb. Then we did food tests and when we tested for reducing sugars and Emily and I were the only ones who actually got it to work, so we were just walking around telling everybody we were their superiors. 

So this ended and it was mentor which I spent most of the time talking about Biology and our plans to go bowling on Saturday. This meant I didn't get to spend much time with my actual friends. Sorry about that guys, but in fairness I spent break time with you! Then I went to go get the bus with Emily. Giancarlo walked with us cause he could go home as well. We spoke about bowling and stuff. Then there was this really awkward moment when this guy Jonny walked past cause Giancarlo went, "This is weird, it's like Jonny and his two exes" (cause both Emily and I had been out with Jonny.) But then I laughed saying I thought Giancarlo was going to say 3 and include himself. In fairness Giancarlo and Jonny would have made an adorable couple.

Then I was home and did pretty much fuck all but watch TV and nap. So sorry if this blog was a little shorter than usual. See you in the 'morrow! 

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