Ever so slowly I am running out of things to blog about. I could review things, but I can never remember what it is I want to review. I could give advice, but I have no idea how to give advice. I could do a tag, but most of the ones I find I have either already done or they just don't interest me. I could write about my day, but I either forget what happens or nothing happens. So guys I am in a pickle. Not literally that would be weird.
During that paragraph I was thinking about how I could turn the fact that I have nothing to write about into my actual blog post, but I think that is a bit weird. However I am weird. This is probably how this is going to turn out today. Maybe I could combine different blog ideas. Like I could talk about my day, review it and give advice? Would that work? I could fit tags in their somewhere but that would just be weird. Ah Fuck it I'll do a mash up couldn't be worse than writing nothing. Cause then I'll think I'm a failure for not sticking to my word about writing a blog post everyday. WHY DO I HAVE TO BE STUBBORN! So here goes:
So today I woke up at 7 and got ready for school with my sister. When we got to the common room she helped me prepare for my psychology test which I was a bit panicky for cause everything to do with tests and mock have been stressing me out lately. As people arrived we started talking about people's Thursday cause I wasn't there and it was nice to be back, even though I still wasn't that well.
In psychology Jonesy allowed us to make notes on a revision card to use in the test. And that is a big mistake cause I have the world tiniest handwriting so practically wrote out the entire page from the text book, with an entire side to spare. Therefore the test in my opinion went pretty well. Then we talked about Stressors related to everyday hassles and life changes. My first point was my brain did not want to write down hassles correctly, it kept going hassels and I was like what the fuck brain? Then we got into a class discussion about what causes stress most in students and people said exams more than illness and death of a friend, and I was like are you all crazy? I mean I understand exams are fucking stressful but finding out someone you loved is all or dying would drive me almost over the edge, and I should know I've lived through it. Then somehow it got into a conversation about Aids?
After this was break and as per usual I forget most things that happen as break as it was so long ago! Then I had Media with Jassums where we basically watched Doctor Who. It is relative to our work, it was about representation on ethnicity. After this I had a mentor session where we spoke about cats. Cause you know cats. Then lunch where we had a really awkward conversation about I'm not even going to talk about it on here. It was just very inappropriate.
Last but not least I had Biology but our teacher was not there so we went into the study centre to "do work". We being Emily and I. There we saw Amy and Siobhan so we spoke to them for a bit. Then whilst Amy was travelling between there and her actual classroom she managed to break the door! She got it permanently locked so I told Dawn and she told Mr Tailor and he told the site team. Jesus Amy. It was hilarious though watching loads of people try to use it cause they didn't understand it was broken. So Siobhan and Amy went to class and Emily and I went back to "work" I mean we tried but we found it difficult and became very unproductive. Then Amy and Siobhan returned cause a stress mess hit, so we went into the common room to sort it out. It was kind of nice talking things over and in the end having a slight bitch fest. But you do what you need to to try and get rid of the stress. Once again they returned to their class and I went back to Emily in time to realise it was pointless cause, we had 6 minutes left. So I went into the common room again and read Paper Towns. Then Aims and Emma appeared to give me a ride home and we were gossiping.
Wow that was a really long post maybe I shouldn't continue with the mash up. Unless I write a short paragraph. I did say I was going to mash it up.
So I'm going to review my day. Overall it has been a good day I laughed a lot and it was very interesting, but it seems stress is getting to everyone one by one like a virus. Kind of put a downer on things.
Advice time! My advice is umm: don't break doors! (Love you really Amy <3)
See you in the 'morrow!
Basically, about me being mad and a little bit weird. I may offer advice on things, depends on my mood.
Friday, 31 January 2014
Thursday, 30 January 2014
The Ugh Bug
Hello fellow humans! Today was a very lazy day cause I was ill. Ugh! Hence The Ugh Bug cause people say stomach bug or something when they are ill and I was ill and it was ugh. Get it? No. Ok then.
Anywho...Today I was supposed to have only two hours of Biology, then I would get the rest of the day off so when I wasn't feeling to good last night I was like, eh I'll survive. Mainly cause I had this kind of important ISA thingy that contributes towards my grade, however I already failed part of it so was like yeah...I'll just use the second chance. Whatever. But this morning I was woken up and I was like UUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH so tired, and I tried to sit up but felt kind of dizzy so was like, I'll just sleep. I was woken again and I told Hal I didn't feel well and she left me to sleep. No-one really believes me when I am ill cause I used to fake being ill a lot as a child cause I hated going to school. But I actually like 6th form. Well I hate being tired and stressed.
Speaking of stressed, in psychology we are learning about stress and it says that it leads to your immune system to weaken so you get ill more often, so I think that is the only reason I am ill. However it is going to lead to a vicious cycle, cause I get stressed when I miss stuff and I miss stuff cause I am ill from the stress of missing stuff. Stuff being school work. Especially with the mocks coming up and I want to do well but currently I am probably going to fail them and then have to retake the whole year. Even thinking about this is making me feel ill. UGH.
But yeah not a lot happened today cause of illness so I can't really say much. I slept and played MLP then made some revision notes and played more MLP. Maybe I would do better in school if I stopped playing My Little Pony. But it is so addictive. I'll just have to manage my time better.
Tomorrow I am going to force myself to go to school, cause I pretty much have a whole day of lessons, and I don't want to leave Jessie alone in Media. But currently I am still ill so I am going to have to battle with myself in the morning. Maybe I will use the advice danisnotonfire used in his most recent video. However I can see it going like this..."Elli are you a wuss?" "Yes." "Ok then continue to sleep." But that's a problem for future me. Hopefully I will actually feel better. See you in the 'morrow!
Anywho...Today I was supposed to have only two hours of Biology, then I would get the rest of the day off so when I wasn't feeling to good last night I was like, eh I'll survive. Mainly cause I had this kind of important ISA thingy that contributes towards my grade, however I already failed part of it so was like yeah...I'll just use the second chance. Whatever. But this morning I was woken up and I was like UUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH so tired, and I tried to sit up but felt kind of dizzy so was like, I'll just sleep. I was woken again and I told Hal I didn't feel well and she left me to sleep. No-one really believes me when I am ill cause I used to fake being ill a lot as a child cause I hated going to school. But I actually like 6th form. Well I hate being tired and stressed.
Speaking of stressed, in psychology we are learning about stress and it says that it leads to your immune system to weaken so you get ill more often, so I think that is the only reason I am ill. However it is going to lead to a vicious cycle, cause I get stressed when I miss stuff and I miss stuff cause I am ill from the stress of missing stuff. Stuff being school work. Especially with the mocks coming up and I want to do well but currently I am probably going to fail them and then have to retake the whole year. Even thinking about this is making me feel ill. UGH.
But yeah not a lot happened today cause of illness so I can't really say much. I slept and played MLP then made some revision notes and played more MLP. Maybe I would do better in school if I stopped playing My Little Pony. But it is so addictive. I'll just have to manage my time better.
Tomorrow I am going to force myself to go to school, cause I pretty much have a whole day of lessons, and I don't want to leave Jessie alone in Media. But currently I am still ill so I am going to have to battle with myself in the morning. Maybe I will use the advice danisnotonfire used in his most recent video. However I can see it going like this..."Elli are you a wuss?" "Yes." "Ok then continue to sleep." But that's a problem for future me. Hopefully I will actually feel better. See you in the 'morrow!
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
The Doodle Master
Why hello there. Today I decided to talk about the thing I do when I am bored. I draw people. Sometimes it's people I know other times it is just random doodles. But yeah...
I think I started liking drawing in year 5 cause I drew a spectacular horse, but thinking back it was rather awful. I have drawn more horses since and they are improving. I pursued my drawing dream and just never stopped, my main doodle go to is eyes, well eye I can only draw one cause the other then they don't match. However, I hate drawing infront of people. Cause they are all judgey and ARg. Mainly cause I take forever to draw a simple thing and up until that point it looks wrong and then they'll question that.
I took art at GSCE and came out with an A* so yeah I think I'm good at it. My main skill was my drawings of people, but they would take me hours to complete. So I would get really frustrated, and so I would give up drawing faces. But it is really the only thing I can draw, so when it comes to doodling I draw eyes then when that's done I attempt the rest of the face it looks bad I give up I move on.
However the yesterday I realised that if I just put my mind to it, I can draw people quickly. Ok I lie this took me like 4 hours but 6 people in 4 hours for me is pretty impressive. I know what you are going to say, "Elli, they have no faces" Exactly that is probably why I struggle with people, that and hands and feet, but other than that I am pretty proud of my doodle. So I might do more things like this as they distract me from boredum and I think they are pretty good.
Another way to entertain myself through drawing people, is something I started last week. It is based on a saying my friends and I have when we sit in a weird pose and say "paint me like one of those french girls" so I decided to pull up paint on my liptap (that's laptop to those that do not understand my words) and decided to
paint Jessie like one of those french girls. Obviously it was a joke drawing that I completed in like 5 minutes but I found them hilarious and made more. There's myself. Why I am a mermaid I have no idea, well I do I was with Jass and she told me to give myself a mermaid tail. So a mermaid I became! It was So Kawaii that I made it my facebook cover photo so that everyone could see the fabulousness.
The last one is again of Jessie, but in a different pose. Still So Kawaii though. It is the same thing with all my paintings, pretty much everything is fucked up. But in my defence it is fucking difficult to draw using a messed up mousepad.
Hope you enjoyed the drawings. Sorry I had nothing else to blog about, but hey this was an experience. See you in the 'morrow!
I think I started liking drawing in year 5 cause I drew a spectacular horse, but thinking back it was rather awful. I have drawn more horses since and they are improving. I pursued my drawing dream and just never stopped, my main doodle go to is eyes, well eye I can only draw one cause the other then they don't match. However, I hate drawing infront of people. Cause they are all judgey and ARg. Mainly cause I take forever to draw a simple thing and up until that point it looks wrong and then they'll question that.
I took art at GSCE and came out with an A* so yeah I think I'm good at it. My main skill was my drawings of people, but they would take me hours to complete. So I would get really frustrated, and so I would give up drawing faces. But it is really the only thing I can draw, so when it comes to doodling I draw eyes then when that's done I attempt the rest of the face it looks bad I give up I move on.

paint Jessie like one of those french girls. Obviously it was a joke drawing that I completed in like 5 minutes but I found them hilarious and made more. There's myself. Why I am a mermaid I have no idea, well I do I was with Jass and she told me to give myself a mermaid tail. So a mermaid I became! It was So Kawaii that I made it my facebook cover photo so that everyone could see the fabulousness.
The last one is again of Jessie, but in a different pose. Still So Kawaii though. It is the same thing with all my paintings, pretty much everything is fucked up. But in my defence it is fucking difficult to draw using a messed up mousepad.
Hope you enjoyed the drawings. Sorry I had nothing else to blog about, but hey this was an experience. See you in the 'morrow!
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
The Magnificent 7- Celebrity Crushes
Today I'm going to brave all embarrassment cause I have run out of things to blog about. So this post is going to be about my top 7 celebrity crushes, like guys I have fantasized over because they are hot, or adorable. Let the cringe time begin!
7. To start off the list we have the talented Patrick Stump from Fall Out
Boy. Most people would say Pete Wenz but no Patrick is my guy. I don't know what is is about him, maybe his amazing voice. He has this adorable lost puppy kind of look about him. After his weight loss he became insanely hot, but before he was still pretty adorable. So he is my number seven.
6. I'm already regretting writing this list, but next is Andrew Garfield. He is the guy that plays Spiderman in The Amazing Spiderman film/s. I just found him insanely hot and had the urge to watch more things with him in it like The Social Network and Never Let Me Go. He probably would have been higher up on the list, but the other day I found out he's 30! I mean jesus christ he looks good for his age. But it just made me see him in a different way, even though others in this list are about that age.
5. Another Andrew at number 5 but you have to give me credit for Andrew
Scott. Moriarty from Sherlock is probably how he is better known. It is a shame he is gay, cause he is hot I'm not afraid to say it. I have him on a t-shirt. He's irish, which gives him an accent that makes me die, and when he plays Moriarty I just love him so much.
4.Moving on to youtube people so obviously Dan Howell is there. Claire is probably going to kill me cause he is hers apparently, but it wont stop me from thinking he's cute. I'm not major fangirl over him but if I saw him in the street of course I am going over there to hug him. Again he makes me laugh which is a good thing, but also some of the things he makes videos on relates to me, like the one he made about psycho thoughts, it was like he took the idea from my mind.
3. Chris Ramsey. If you do not know who he is, he is a comedian. However recently he has been doing some acting in a show called Hebburn. Which I liked, and not just cause he was in it. I like his smile and his hair. Mainly though I like him cause he is funny, and I always like a guy that makes me laugh.
2. My runner up is Mathew Sohinki. I only discovered him a week ago and he made it to number 2. He works on Smosh Games which is where I found him, and I watched a lot of stuff simply so I can watch him. Stalker Alert! He is funny and adorable and that little bit awkward. Yes I like guys that are awkward, it's cute. And that is what Sohinki is. Adorable.
1. So my number one all time celebrity crush is ...Craig Roberts. He was in Tracey Beaker and Young Dracula, but I didn't find him hot in those, more "eh he's
kind of cute" but it was when I saw him in Submarine (an amazing film directed by Richard Ayoade) I just thought he was hot. Again the whole, him being slightly awkward is part of the reason, cause the character is supposed to be awkward. When you think about it I fall more for the character he plays then the actor, but still Craig Roberts is hot. End of.
Well that's all, hopefully I haven't lost all dignity sounding like a complete weirdo stalker, but sometimes it just needs to be said. I hope you enjoyed this somehow, and if I haven't committed suicide from embarrassment I shall see you in the 'morrow!
7. To start off the list we have the talented Patrick Stump from Fall Out
6. I'm already regretting writing this list, but next is Andrew Garfield. He is the guy that plays Spiderman in The Amazing Spiderman film/s. I just found him insanely hot and had the urge to watch more things with him in it like The Social Network and Never Let Me Go. He probably would have been higher up on the list, but the other day I found out he's 30! I mean jesus christ he looks good for his age. But it just made me see him in a different way, even though others in this list are about that age.
5. Another Andrew at number 5 but you have to give me credit for Andrew

3. Chris Ramsey. If you do not know who he is, he is a comedian. However recently he has been doing some acting in a show called Hebburn. Which I liked, and not just cause he was in it. I like his smile and his hair. Mainly though I like him cause he is funny, and I always like a guy that makes me laugh.

1. So my number one all time celebrity crush is ...Craig Roberts. He was in Tracey Beaker and Young Dracula, but I didn't find him hot in those, more "eh he's
Well that's all, hopefully I haven't lost all dignity sounding like a complete weirdo stalker, but sometimes it just needs to be said. I hope you enjoyed this somehow, and if I haven't committed suicide from embarrassment I shall see you in the 'morrow!
Monday, 27 January 2014
The Sister

Like most sisters we fight cause that is a sibling rule. But beneath all the fighting there is love. over the past
year we have fought less, which I love cause we can get really aggressive. I think it is cause we have matured. Ha, me maturing. Actually now that I think about it sometime Hal isn't that mature either. As you could probably tell from the face painting that did not occur near halloween.

Aside from that things aren't going to be the same without her. I have spent all my life with her, and having the comfort of knowing she was there to complain to, or talk to, and share gossip with. But when she's gone she's gone. I can barely spend a week without her, which I discovered on Holiday this year when she didn't come with us. I called her every single day and would have probably missed her loads more if Jessie wasn't with me. But still how am I going to cope for more than a year
without her when I can't even last 7 days.

Sunday, 26 January 2014
Get To Know Me Tag
So tags are back cause today I didn't really do anything blog worthy. For the past 25 minutes I have been searching for good blog/tag ideas and I came across this tag called Get To Know Me so I thought why not just a bit of fun and provides me with content. HERE Get to know me...
They are split into categories, why I do not know but I was lazy and just copied and pasted so get off my back ok!
Vital Stats
Name- Elinore Mae Brown
Nicknames- Elli, Elsley Miffin, Beryll, Ellums, Ewee, EllsBells.
Birthday- 14th April
Place of Birth- Norfolk and Norwich Hospital...I think
Star Sign- Aries
Occupation- I don't have one :'( But I'm looking!
Hair colour- a reddish brown
Hair length- Shoulder length
Eye colour- Hazel with slight green hint
Best feature- PFF Probably eyes
Braces- no
Piercings- only ears
Tattoos- No but thinking of getting one
Righty of Lefty- Righty
Best friend- Scarlett we were best friends from birth up until about 4 years ago :'(
Award- I don't win awards, most probably head teacher award but everyone got those.
Sport- Badminton!
Real Holiday- Jesus I don't remember my exact first but the one I remember was to Cornwall and we stayed at a house where a neighbour dog jumped over the wall and ran into our house, he was so adorable.
Concert- Mindless Self Indulgence back in November. Best Night.
Film- Edward Scissorhands
TV Show- Sherlock
Colour- Blue
Song- Right Now probably Miss Missing You by FOB
Restaurant- Nando's
Store- Blott
Book- Hmm, one of The Morganville Vampire series.
Magazine- Kerrang!
Shoes- Dr Martins.
Feeling- Sleepy
Single or Taken- Single :)
Eating- An Orange
Listening to- Dance Inside by All American Rejects
Thinking about- Cats
Watching- YOUTUBE!
Wearing- pyjamas.
Want Children- Yes, I'd be an amazing mum, cause I have the best mum to learn from.
Want to be married- Kind of.
Careers in mind- So far Mental Health Nurse.
Where do you want to live- Where I live now.
Do you believe in
God- I don't have an opinion.
Miracles- With my life not really
Love at first sight- Nope
Ghosts- Yes
Aliens- Yes
Soul Mates- Yes
Heaven- A bit
Hell- More than Heaven, which is odd.
Kissing on the first date- Depends how well it is going.
Yourself- Hahahahaha.
Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me. I know tags aren't always the most interesting thing in the world, so let us hope that tomorrow brings fun blog content. See you in the 'morrow!
They are split into categories, why I do not know but I was lazy and just copied and pasted so get off my back ok!
Vital Stats
Name- Elinore Mae Brown
Nicknames- Elli, Elsley Miffin, Beryll, Ellums, Ewee, EllsBells.
Birthday- 14th April
Place of Birth- Norfolk and Norwich Hospital...I think
Star Sign- Aries
Occupation- I don't have one :'( But I'm looking!
Hair colour- a reddish brown
Hair length- Shoulder length
Eye colour- Hazel with slight green hint
Best feature- PFF Probably eyes
Braces- no
Piercings- only ears
Tattoos- No but thinking of getting one
Righty of Lefty- Righty
Best friend- Scarlett we were best friends from birth up until about 4 years ago :'(
Award- I don't win awards, most probably head teacher award but everyone got those.
Sport- Badminton!
Real Holiday- Jesus I don't remember my exact first but the one I remember was to Cornwall and we stayed at a house where a neighbour dog jumped over the wall and ran into our house, he was so adorable.
Concert- Mindless Self Indulgence back in November. Best Night.
Film- Edward Scissorhands
TV Show- Sherlock
Colour- Blue
Song- Right Now probably Miss Missing You by FOB
Restaurant- Nando's
Store- Blott
Book- Hmm, one of The Morganville Vampire series.
Magazine- Kerrang!
Shoes- Dr Martins.
Feeling- Sleepy
Single or Taken- Single :)
Eating- An Orange
Listening to- Dance Inside by All American Rejects
Thinking about- Cats
Watching- YOUTUBE!
Wearing- pyjamas.
Want Children- Yes, I'd be an amazing mum, cause I have the best mum to learn from.
Want to be married- Kind of.
Careers in mind- So far Mental Health Nurse.
Where do you want to live- Where I live now.
Do you believe in
God- I don't have an opinion.
Miracles- With my life not really
Love at first sight- Nope
Ghosts- Yes
Aliens- Yes
Soul Mates- Yes
Heaven- A bit
Hell- More than Heaven, which is odd.
Kissing on the first date- Depends how well it is going.
Yourself- Hahahahaha.
Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me. I know tags aren't always the most interesting thing in the world, so let us hope that tomorrow brings fun blog content. See you in the 'morrow!
Saturday, 25 January 2014
The Outside Adventure
I actually went outside today, of my own choice, on a weekend! I usually sit at home sleeping, playing MLP and watching youtube. But no today I went to the city to take photos for my media coursework with Jassums, Momo.
We agreed to meet at 2, so I could have a lay in cause sleep is needed in my life. But I also wanted to buy things and I don't like buying things when with people cause I don't want to make them wait or anything. My first stop though was Burger King, to see Aims in action and get me a coke. On my way I saw Stormtroopers, didn't get a picture though cause PEOPLE ARE DOUCHES! So after seeing Amy I went to Clinton's to get my sister a Birthday card and then Claire's (not my friend Claire) and got me some really cute nail polish. It is adorable. Then I thought I might as well head over to the meeting place 15 minutes early.
However it was super crowded in Costa and I have a fear of large groups of people so I was like nope! and went and sat on a wall on my own doodling. My friends were late. But they got there and I went to go buy Jess a coffee cause I needed it in the pictures. Then we had issues cause I planned for it to be set outside costa but there was no room, so we went to the foodcourt. I was being very awkward cause I hate idea sharing and stuff. But we did it, and it was over in half an hour. But we decided to spend some more time together and wondered round the city. We went to the library, the Television and Movie store, Blott (Where I bought no rubbers! Who's proud of my willpower?) DisneyStore, HMV, Evolution, and Dr Martins.
Pretty much the whole time everyone was being mean to me. Making Scott jokes and saying bourbons cause I always choke when someone even mentions bourbons. So I would shuffle away and they would catch up and trap me and annoy me more. :'( It was about 4 now and Jessie turned to me and told me that she didn't go in Aladdin's Cave today, and I was like WHAT? Cause guys, this store is amazing. It is pretty much a place of awesome things that are both old and new, kind of like a charity shop but way better. So we went there and spent almost an hour just looking around all the awesome stuff trying on hats, playing the instruments, and obsessing over teasets. Then we went in the 99p store where still people were mean and for some reason we all crouched down like frogs and hoped around. Then we decided it was time to head off with a group hug, and we went to get a bus.
Then I was home. Playing yet more MLP. See you in the 'morrow!
We agreed to meet at 2, so I could have a lay in cause sleep is needed in my life. But I also wanted to buy things and I don't like buying things when with people cause I don't want to make them wait or anything. My first stop though was Burger King, to see Aims in action and get me a coke. On my way I saw Stormtroopers, didn't get a picture though cause PEOPLE ARE DOUCHES! So after seeing Amy I went to Clinton's to get my sister a Birthday card and then Claire's (not my friend Claire) and got me some really cute nail polish. It is adorable. Then I thought I might as well head over to the meeting place 15 minutes early.
However it was super crowded in Costa and I have a fear of large groups of people so I was like nope! and went and sat on a wall on my own doodling. My friends were late. But they got there and I went to go buy Jess a coffee cause I needed it in the pictures. Then we had issues cause I planned for it to be set outside costa but there was no room, so we went to the foodcourt. I was being very awkward cause I hate idea sharing and stuff. But we did it, and it was over in half an hour. But we decided to spend some more time together and wondered round the city. We went to the library, the Television and Movie store, Blott (Where I bought no rubbers! Who's proud of my willpower?) DisneyStore, HMV, Evolution, and Dr Martins.
Pretty much the whole time everyone was being mean to me. Making Scott jokes and saying bourbons cause I always choke when someone even mentions bourbons. So I would shuffle away and they would catch up and trap me and annoy me more. :'( It was about 4 now and Jessie turned to me and told me that she didn't go in Aladdin's Cave today, and I was like WHAT? Cause guys, this store is amazing. It is pretty much a place of awesome things that are both old and new, kind of like a charity shop but way better. So we went there and spent almost an hour just looking around all the awesome stuff trying on hats, playing the instruments, and obsessing over teasets. Then we went in the 99p store where still people were mean and for some reason we all crouched down like frogs and hoped around. Then we decided it was time to head off with a group hug, and we went to get a bus.
Then I was home. Playing yet more MLP. See you in the 'morrow!
Friday, 24 January 2014
Bringing Classic Back
Hey guys! Who is proud of me for not mentioning My Little Pony in my last blog, eh? I certainly am. So recently I haven't been talking about my days as per use cause well...reasons. But today I am going to bring back the classic me. So here is my day.
I did not have to be in school until 10:30 so I was all yay lay in then yay My Little Pony, cause I'm addicted so much they are like my children. Then I ate a fuck load of Curiously Cinamon cause they are crazy addictive, I ate about 1/4 of a box. DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! It was a moment of weakness. However I miss their previous names. Cinnamon Grahams, there was something about it that made me happy. And it is easier to say. I have to think too much saying curiously, and I'm not a big fan of thinking. So after the pig out I went to 6th form.
First was break cause the bus gets me there just in time for break, and I don't really remember much. So I'll just talk about Media. UGH Media. I love media but today I wanted to stab someone in the face. basically Champs wasn't there so we had set work that we had to do in the study centre, but it was full as was the spare room so we went to the Galmeister who is our other Media teacher and he lent us lapotps. So 20/120 minutes had gone by and we only got settled. But it wasn't over. It took me a further 20 minutes just to find a friggen laptop that logged me into the server. But Finally I was in and worked could be done! However, after about half an hour the world decided to be a douche. First Jessie's laptop was dying and she tried to save her work on the last breath the laptop could give but it wouldn't let her, then it just gave up and full on died. So I took this as an opportunity to save my work as a back up, but it wouldn't let me either, saying that it cannot connect to the domain. So we had a waste of a lesson! We were frustrated from this point on and went to the common room in protest.
There we saw Amy and Siobhan trying to complete Psychology work so we offered help, by voicing parts of their presentation which they were recording. But it pretty much failed as we had no idea what we were doing, I practically could not read anything and we kept talking over it, oh and I was having a dance party. Lish joined somewhere among the mess and I decided to mount her. I bet she loved it. Then that came to an end and it was lunch time where we were joined by the usual gang of whojamawhatsits. But Jessie left :'(
We spoke about the usual things, basically things we are addicted to. But then Amy was a bit upset about work and we all focused on making her feel better. Well most of us Claire was just playing Candy Crush. But don't fear all is good in her hood. Aims if you read this before you go to work on Saturday then I will see you there, and I will order my usual.
As lunch was ending I was getting very frustrated with my husband Clark. For we had psychology. I was like "She better not be off saving the world. She knows I hate that." Cause we pretend our friend Maddy is superman cause she dresses like him. I know we are weird. But she arrived just in time. In Psychology Clive was all "I want to sit near you cause you are too damn fabulous and awesome" So I swapped places with Megan, it was weird sitting there. But nice cause I was closer to my Clive. Pretty much all through the lesson I was making origami animals.
Then Clive and I waited for our late bus for an hour, and we played on the Akinator App and I tried finding out if he knew who I was and he didn't. But I'm not too bothered cause I'm not famous and I'm not really worthy of it. Then I locked Claire out of her phone for 5 minutes MWAHAHAHA! You still haven't shown me the picture that caused it all. Then a late bus journey home, after the late bus was late, where I became a child and played Yellow car, with some additions, such as chickens, plastic chairs and fire. Cause I saw all those things, some more than once.
Then at home I brought back an old winter tradition of Hot Chocolate and a Hot Cross Bun before bed. It was delicious. CRAP! I have 35 minutesleft in the day and I need to go back through the blog and put all the blue parts in. AAERAFHBSKJDNAS! Why did I leave this so fucking late? Maybe cause you were watching youtube all fucking afternoon. That's true. Wish me luck to get this completed! See you in the 'morrow!
I did not have to be in school until 10:30 so I was all yay lay in then yay My Little Pony, cause I'm addicted so much they are like my children. Then I ate a fuck load of Curiously Cinamon cause they are crazy addictive, I ate about 1/4 of a box. DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! It was a moment of weakness. However I miss their previous names. Cinnamon Grahams, there was something about it that made me happy. And it is easier to say. I have to think too much saying curiously, and I'm not a big fan of thinking. So after the pig out I went to 6th form.
First was break cause the bus gets me there just in time for break, and I don't really remember much. So I'll just talk about Media. UGH Media. I love media but today I wanted to stab someone in the face. basically Champs wasn't there so we had set work that we had to do in the study centre, but it was full as was the spare room so we went to the Galmeister who is our other Media teacher and he lent us lapotps. So 20/120 minutes had gone by and we only got settled. But it wasn't over. It took me a further 20 minutes just to find a friggen laptop that logged me into the server. But Finally I was in and worked could be done! However, after about half an hour the world decided to be a douche. First Jessie's laptop was dying and she tried to save her work on the last breath the laptop could give but it wouldn't let her, then it just gave up and full on died. So I took this as an opportunity to save my work as a back up, but it wouldn't let me either, saying that it cannot connect to the domain. So we had a waste of a lesson! We were frustrated from this point on and went to the common room in protest.
There we saw Amy and Siobhan trying to complete Psychology work so we offered help, by voicing parts of their presentation which they were recording. But it pretty much failed as we had no idea what we were doing, I practically could not read anything and we kept talking over it, oh and I was having a dance party. Lish joined somewhere among the mess and I decided to mount her. I bet she loved it. Then that came to an end and it was lunch time where we were joined by the usual gang of whojamawhatsits. But Jessie left :'(
We spoke about the usual things, basically things we are addicted to. But then Amy was a bit upset about work and we all focused on making her feel better. Well most of us Claire was just playing Candy Crush. But don't fear all is good in her hood. Aims if you read this before you go to work on Saturday then I will see you there, and I will order my usual.
As lunch was ending I was getting very frustrated with my husband Clark. For we had psychology. I was like "She better not be off saving the world. She knows I hate that." Cause we pretend our friend Maddy is superman cause she dresses like him. I know we are weird. But she arrived just in time. In Psychology Clive was all "I want to sit near you cause you are too damn fabulous and awesome" So I swapped places with Megan, it was weird sitting there. But nice cause I was closer to my Clive. Pretty much all through the lesson I was making origami animals.
Then Clive and I waited for our late bus for an hour, and we played on the Akinator App and I tried finding out if he knew who I was and he didn't. But I'm not too bothered cause I'm not famous and I'm not really worthy of it. Then I locked Claire out of her phone for 5 minutes MWAHAHAHA! You still haven't shown me the picture that caused it all. Then a late bus journey home, after the late bus was late, where I became a child and played Yellow car, with some additions, such as chickens, plastic chairs and fire. Cause I saw all those things, some more than once.
Then at home I brought back an old winter tradition of Hot Chocolate and a Hot Cross Bun before bed. It was delicious. CRAP! I have 35 minutesleft in the day and I need to go back through the blog and put all the blue parts in. AAERAFHBSKJDNAS! Why did I leave this so fucking late? Maybe cause you were watching youtube all fucking afternoon. That's true. Wish me luck to get this completed! See you in the 'morrow!
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Winter Time
Hey Sexy People! Is it weird I called you sexy? Well then that's your problem cause you all probably are sexy and you are going to have to deal with that. Anywho...Today I am going to talk about Winter. And how much I love/hate it. Cause there are some amazing things but most of the time it sucks.
THE PROS! It is the season of snow. And snow is amazing for the simple fact of having fun with friends. Last year I went Sledging for the first time, and I loved it. But we didn't have official sledges so Jessie and I went down on laminated A3 paper. We went really fast it was hilarious. However there was a small bump at the bottom of the hill that threw you and it was
dangerous, but I think that made it more entertaining. Also making snowmen/snow towers, cause they are so much fun. The best part destroying them. I remember 2 years ago my friends and I made a massive snow tower called JIMM, and had leaves and colours from drinks, even a face, and he was fabulous. But we knew some douchebag would destroy him so we decided we should do it. And it was sad to see him die, but it was way more satisfying to kill him ourselves. Another amazing thing about winter is icicles and things like that. I took some pictures of some the other day which you can see around this text. I just find things like this fascinating. Winter can also be considered the season for ice skating. I love Ice skating. My friends and I used to go a lot cause there was a rink near us. But it has closed down now :'( I wish there was a lake nearby that freezes over like in the movies so that I could go whenever I wanted with Emma, cause she is so pro at ice skating.
THE CONS! First I'll mention snowballing, cause sometimes it is a pro, but sometimes it is the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. Like Kyle's Mom. (Please tell me at least one person get's the South Park reference) Once I got hit in the eye with a snowball made mainly of ice, and it isn't pretty. So when you are outside on a snowday and have the need to hurtle a frozen ball of soft frozen water, MAKE SURE THERE IS NO ICE. Or anything else cause it could get bad. The main con is the cold. I mean I prefer being really cold to really warm cause it means you get to layer up and snuggle (Another pro) and when you are really hot all you can do is strip down and stand in front of fans, however I suppose sounding like a Darlek is kind of fun. But sometimes it is too fucking cold outside, like today for example.
That is pretty much it. I still feel there is no need for Winter, I said this to Clive the other day. Why not just Autumn followed by Spring and then back to Autumn. Cause we can have the things grow and die, and live in a time of perfect weather when it is not too cold but not too hot, and you get rain. However in England you get rain all year round. We do not need the prolonged periods of trees with no leaves and trees with lots of leaves. It is unnecessary. See you in the 'morrow!

dangerous, but I think that made it more entertaining. Also making snowmen/snow towers, cause they are so much fun. The best part destroying them. I remember 2 years ago my friends and I made a massive snow tower called JIMM, and had leaves and colours from drinks, even a face, and he was fabulous. But we knew some douchebag would destroy him so we decided we should do it. And it was sad to see him die, but it was way more satisfying to kill him ourselves. Another amazing thing about winter is icicles and things like that. I took some pictures of some the other day which you can see around this text. I just find things like this fascinating. Winter can also be considered the season for ice skating. I love Ice skating. My friends and I used to go a lot cause there was a rink near us. But it has closed down now :'( I wish there was a lake nearby that freezes over like in the movies so that I could go whenever I wanted with Emma, cause she is so pro at ice skating.
THE CONS! First I'll mention snowballing, cause sometimes it is a pro, but sometimes it is the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. Like Kyle's Mom. (Please tell me at least one person get's the South Park reference) Once I got hit in the eye with a snowball made mainly of ice, and it isn't pretty. So when you are outside on a snowday and have the need to hurtle a frozen ball of soft frozen water, MAKE SURE THERE IS NO ICE. Or anything else cause it could get bad. The main con is the cold. I mean I prefer being really cold to really warm cause it means you get to layer up and snuggle (Another pro) and when you are really hot all you can do is strip down and stand in front of fans, however I suppose sounding like a Darlek is kind of fun. But sometimes it is too fucking cold outside, like today for example.
That is pretty much it. I still feel there is no need for Winter, I said this to Clive the other day. Why not just Autumn followed by Spring and then back to Autumn. Cause we can have the things grow and die, and live in a time of perfect weather when it is not too cold but not too hot, and you get rain. However in England you get rain all year round. We do not need the prolonged periods of trees with no leaves and trees with lots of leaves. It is unnecessary. See you in the 'morrow!
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